Response of Floating Structures in a Directional Sea
A finite element numerical model is presented to predict the behavior of long floating structures in a multi-directional sea. A follow up numerical model analyzes an important but mostly...

Hydrodynamic Model of River Flow on a Microcomputer
This paper presents a one-dimensional, finite element model for simulating hydrodynamic responses to various conditions on a river system by using microcomputers. Based on the Saint-Venant...

Applications of Discrete-Element Computational Models to Transient, Multi-Dimensional Problems in Hydrology
The direct computer simulation technique, discrete-element method (DEM) was applied in the development of transient, multi-dimensional mathematical models for simulating hydrologic conditions...

Three-Dimensional Simulation of Two-Fluid Movement in Porous Media Using the Boundary Element Method
The paper discusses three-dimensional problems that include a denser fluid overlain by water in an unconfined aquifer. The two fluid regions are bounded by two-dimensional surfaces, including...

Tidal Modelling on IBM Microcomputers
The finite element code, QUIET, for the simulation of two-dimensional shallow water flow has been adapted from its mainframe form for use on the IBM PC, PC/XT, or AT. The model uses of...

Finite Element Analysis of Recirculating Flows
The primitive variable and stream-function-vorticity forms of depth averaged viscous fluid flow equations are compared via finite element computations on problems with the same meshes...

Explicit Finite Element Model for Long Water Waves
An explicit finite element model for free-surface flow is presented. The model is capable of simulating long waves of various orders of approximation in one and two space dimensions. The...

Role of Small Computers in Two-Dimensional Flow Modeling
This paper describes the computational aspects and computer usage history of numerical simulations of horizontal, free surface, steady or unsteady two-dimensional flow fields. The focus...

Joint Flexibility in Steel Frames
This paper investigates the effects of connection flexibility and panel zone deformation on the behavior of plane steel frames. The incorporation of these factors in frame analysis will...

An In-Plane Finite Element Model for Brick Masonry
A finite element model for brick masonry is reported. The model takes account of non linear deformations and progressive local failure. The failure may occur in the joints alone or in...

Nonlinear Macroscopic Finite Element Model for Masonry Walls
A macroscopic finite element model which includes both transverse shear effects and nonlinearity due to cracking has been developed for masonry. These features are accommodated using a...

Behavior of Cavity Masonry Walls Under Out-of-Plane Lateral Loading: An Analytical Approach
In this paper, a finite element model is used to analyze cavity walls in an attempt to understand their complex behavior and to evaluate the adequacy of the assumptions embodied in the...

Shear Stresses in Composite Masonry Walls
The behavior of composite masonry walls subjected to inplane loads is a subject that has received little attention during the last few years. The small amount of experimental and analytical...

Hazardous Waste Cleanup: The Preliminaries
Court-ordered negotiations rather than a trial took five years but led to a flexible plan for cleaning up an inactive hazardous waste disposal site in Niagara Falls, N.Y. Contamination...

Continuum Modeling of Periodic Truss Structures
Procedures for deriving equivalent stiffnesses for an extended Timoshenko beam used to represent truss beams are presented. A typical substructure of a truss is used to calculate these...

Design and Construction of Terror Lake Dam
Terror Lake Dam is a central feature of the 189 million Terror Lake Hydroelectric Project, located on Kodiak Island Alaska. The dam is a 193-feet (59 m) high concrete-faced zoned rockfill...

Slurry Trenches for Containing Hazardous Wastes
Slurry trench technology has not advanced much during the past 10 years due to a lack in research and development, the excerbated litigious climate in the environmental protection field,...

Assessing the Effects of Water Contamination
The threats to potable water are examined. An assessment of human ill effects of contaminated water requires a knowledge of the quality of water throughout the world and a corresponding...

Superfund Cleanup Sites
Cleanups of four Superfund hazardous waste sites are described, two in Pennsylvania, one in Tacoma, Wash., and one in Globe, Arizona. The key chemical wastes were polychlorinated bipheynls,...

Computing in Civil Engineering
A broad spectrum of computer applications in civil engineering is covered in 73 papers presented at the Third Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering. Emphasis is on microcompters...





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