ASCE Annual Combined Index 1994
The 1994 ASCE Annual Combined Index provides a guide to materials appearing in publications of ASCE published during 1994. This includes papers and technical notes from ASCE technical...

Journal of Architectural Engineering
The Journal of Architectural Engineering provides a multidisciplinary forum for dissemination of research-based engineering and technical information related to all aspects of building engineering design...

Strong-Motion Data Processing
Processing of strong-motion earthquake accelerograms is now carried out routinely on a world-wide basis. Two international workshops have given participants the opportunity to assess their...

I.P.L. Space Trusses: Structural Performance and Analysis
The utilization of the fast working massively parallel computers in solving intense numerical problems, in the field of structural engineering left disappointed many of practical engineers....

Boston's Commuter Comeback
More than 30 years after its abandonment, the Old Colony Railroad in Massachusetts is being revived through a �480 million rehabilitation project to serve residents southeast of Boston....

The Role of Computer Graphics in Teleoperation
Computer graphics techniques developed by the Advanced Teleoperation (ATOP) Project at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) for the control of remote manipulators, primarily for space applications,...

Navigation of Autonomous Mobile Robots
An integrated navigational system for autonomous mobile robots features a primary navigator, such as an inertial navigation or a dead-reckoning system, and a secondary navigator. The secondary...

Autonomous Navigation for Structured Exterior Environments
The Telemanaged Mobile Security Station (TMSS) was developed at Sandia National Laboratories to investigate the role of mobile robotics in exterior perimeter security systems. A major...

An Experiment in Mobile Robotic Cooperation
This paper describes the results of an experiment in real mobile robot cooperation which utilizes a fully distributed, cooperative software mechanism we have previously developed in simulation....

Goals and Requirements for Scientific Lunar Rovers
The detailed science requirements for future lunar rovers should, of course, be based on achievable science goals and objectives. It is clear that lunar geoscience will benefit by robotic...

A Stewart Platform Lunar Rover
A lunar version of the Robocrane is being developed at the Robot Systems Division of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) to address the needs of NASA researchers....

An Overview of the Accident Response Mobile Manipulation System (ARMMS)
The development of a high mobility platform integrated with high strength manipulation is under development at Sandia National Laboratories. The mobility platform used is a High Mobility...

Robotic Workcell for Waste Handling
During the sorting and repackaging of recovered waste, robotic systems for grasping and manipulating odd-shaped objects of varying sizes will be needed. Also, during the removal of buried...

Demands and Satisfiers for Automation and Robotics in Construction: Differences Between Japan and the United States
The construction industries in Japan and the United States face problems of productivity, quality, safety, and skilled labor shortages. Automation and robotics are often proposed as solutions...

Bubba, A Teleoperated Countermine Vehicle
A recent countermine test program required the development of Bubba, a 5 ton, 6 wheel drive, M-923 military truck converted to teleoperation. The Mine Detection by Energetic Photons (MIDEP)...

The Engineer Vehicle Tele-operation Capability
The Tank-Automotive Robotics Office develops remote and autonomous ground vehicle systems for the U.S. Army. We specialize in command and control of mobility platforms and overall system...

A New Airlock Approach for Human Exploration
Conceptual design work on the First Lunar Outpost (FLO) mission led to the development of an airlock concept called the `doorlock' which appears quite promising for all aspects of manned...

The Effect of Mobile Transporter Motion on the Space Station Attitude Control System
The effect of Mobile Transport (MT) motion on Space Station stability and the performance of the Attitude Control System (ACS) using Control Momentum Gyros (CMGs) is assessed. Analysis...

Adaptive Space Station Technologies and Systems for a Lunar Surface Return Mission
The current global economic climate, in particular that of the United States, has impacted all aspects of government spending. Wise use of existing, as well as near-term planned, assets...

A Space Station Simulation: EXEMSI '92 A Study on Confinement and Isolation of a Mixed Crew of Four during 60 Days
Manned spaceflight is entering a new era. The next period will be characterized by long duration stays in space and heterogenous crews. EXEMSI '92 was an attempt to study the human-related...





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