Coastal Circulation and Sedimentation During Severe Storms
Numerical hindcasts of storm flows and sedimentation during tropical cyclones in the western Gulf of Mexico, and a northeaster in the Middle Atlantic Bight, are summarized and compared....

Numerical Modeling of Advective and Diffusive Transport in the Rappahannock Estuary, Virginia
A laterally integrated, two-dimensional real-time model, consisting of linked hydrodynamic and water quality models, was developed to study hypoxia in the tidal Rappahannock River, a western...

Development of the Tampa Bay Tidal Current Atlas
The NOAA National Ocean Service (NOS) is developing a tidal current and water level forecast atlas for navigation in Tampa Bay, Florida, using the Princeton three-dimensional numerical...

EPA's Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program: Availability of Broad-Scale Environmental Data and Opportunities for Use in Environmental Modeling Applications
The Environmental Monitoring and Assessment and Program (EMAP) has collected a suite of environmental data over a four year period from estuarine systems in the mid-Atlantic and Gulf of...

Glossary of Marine Fiber Rope Terms
This book, Glossary of Marine Fiber Rope Terms, is the product of the Task Committee on Marine Fiber Rope, Technical Committee on Ocean Engineering,...

ASCE Salary Survey 1993
The 22nd biennial ASCE salary survey of the engineering profession conducted by the ASCE Committee on Employment Conditions during the first half of 1993 is presented. It consists of an...

Boston's Backup Water Supply
For fifty years, Boston's sole real source of water has been the Hultman Aqueduct, but now final design is almost complete on the MetroWest Supply Tunnel, a new, larger conduit...

Instrumented Buoy Network Response to Ocean Swell
The National Data Buoy Center has an extensive network of more than 20 moored buoys along the west coast of North America And in the Eastern North Pacific Ocean. The network ranges from...

Directional Wave Data ? Measurements and Modeling Coast of Florida Erosion and Storm Effects Study
The U.S. Army of Corps of Engineers, Jacksonville District, and the Florida Department of Enviromental Protection are co-sponsors of a study to evaluate the coastal processes along the...

New Program for the Marine Observation and Prediction Center of the Central Weather Bureau
With the increase of economic activities on the oceans and seas, the observation of marine phenomena and forecast services become more and more significant. The Central Weather Bureau...

Implementing a National Wave Monitoring Network?Some Lessons and Plans
Most environmental problems involve a chemical and/or biological component and a physical processes component. A holistic approach must consider both components and the way they interact....

Coastal Engineering Data Retrieval System (CEDRS)
The Coastal Engineering Data Retrieval System (CEDRS) is a menu driven microcomputer resident database which provides both hindcast and measured wind and wave data for use in the field...

Evaluation of a Third-Generation Wave Model for the U.S. Atlantic Coast
Accurate description of surface wind fields in ocean spectral wave modelling is of critical importance to estimating storm - induced wave conditions along a coastal reach. A new approach...

Wave Monitoring in The Southern California Bight
An overview of recent research by the Coastal Information Program (CDIP), aimed at effectively monitoring wave conditions in the Southern California Bight, is presented. The topographic...

Propagation of Linear Gravity Waves Over Slowly Varying Depth and Currents
A detailed derivation of some kinematic and dynamic properties linear surface gravity waves-current interaction. The obtained expressions, which are exact within the framework of linear...

The Development of a Wave Data Analysis Standard for a National Wave Measurement Program
The Field Wave Gaging Program (FWGP) at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' Coastal Engineering Research Center (CERC) collects and analyzes wave data from around the U.S. coastline to contribute...

Physical Modelling of Multidirectional Waves
A sixty-segment wave generator has been used since 1985 at the Coastal Engineering Laboratory of the National Research Council (NRC) of Canada to generate multidirectional waves, and study...

A Spectral Wave Model for the Coastal Zone
Spectral wave models that represent the evolution of the waves on a grid superior in several respects to conventional wave ray models. Spectral models on a grid have been developed for...

ASA.WAVES: An Interactive PC-based Wave Forecasting Tool
An interactive PC-based system for wave refraction-diffraction in coastal regions has been developed, based on a Mild-slope equation finite element wave model. The system includes an embedded...

Estimating Laboratory Wave Reflection Using Laser Doppler
Estimates of irregular wave reflection in two-dimensional laboratory wave tanks are typically accomplished using an array of spatially separated wave gauges. This paper presents a frequency...





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