Steep Constructed Stream Channels and Chutes
Research and technology transfer needs are described for steep stream channels and chutes. Iterative processes are presented for design and construction of bouldery channels and chutes...

Evaluating Flow Resistance Using Height of Roughness Protrusions
On the basis of field measurements on the Sumava mountain rivers heights of roughness protrusions have been used for calculation of flow resistance. The result resistance equations, compared...

Relation Between Largest Known Flood Discharge and Elevation in Montana
Previous studies relating unit discharge to elevation indicated that large floods in the Rocky Mountains may be limited by elevation. However, high-elevation data are sparse in Montana...

Historic-Flood Evaluation and Research Needs in Mountainous Areas
An evaluation of historic flood estimates in mountainous areas in Colorado was made to assess their accuracy. The purpose of this evaluation is to enhance awareness of the need to assess...

3D model verification for a groyne and harbor experiment
A discussion of 3D model verification and calibration based on measurements in a flume is carried out for different test cases (groyne, harbor). The measurement data is available for public...

Estimation of Design Surge Heights by Utilizing Meteorologic and Oceanographic Data
Data on cyclonic storm surge height have been generated with the help of a statistical simulation model. Data on observed maximum cyclonic wind speed and the length of the continental...

Velocity Control Rings for RC Pipe on Steep Slopes
This paper discusses the use of internal concrete rings to reduce velocity and concrete erosion for reinforced concrete pipes on steep slopes in the Southern California area....

Plunge-Pool Scour by Inclined Jets
A series of experiments were performed in a sand-bed plunge pool with circular jets produced by nozzles at different angles and elevations and conveying different flow discharges. The...

Problems of Stream Flood Simulation and Prediction
The article presents a report on the natural flooding in a stream and the problems encountered when simulating and predicting stream floods. The complexity of flood characteristics, the...

Management of Sediments on the Red River Waterway Project
The Red River is a large alluvial river system with the lower 280 miles currently being developed for shallow draft navigation. The navigation project entails construction of five locks...

An Improved Design of Excluding Sediment into River Intake Structures
The function of excluding sediment into river intake structures is usually achieved by the device of sluice ways. Although many sluice ways have been constructed and many formulas are...

Why Design Storm Methods Have Become Unethical
This paper discriminates between continuous and event modelling, and describes some dimensions of ethical design for sustainable ecosystems. Arguments are presented that event modelling...

Combined Stormwater Drainage and Treatment
Due to continuing public concern regarding environmental protection for the nation's waterways, new and more stringent water quality control regulations have been developed. This is most...

Water Quality Enhancement Technology for River-Reservoir Systems
Water quality enhancement technology is applied to a wide variety of field conditions in surface waters including rivers, lakes and reservoir epiliminia, lake and reservoir hypolimnia,...

Model of an Upgrade
As further studies and more extensive computer models help engineers better understand the workings of wastewater treatment plant processes, those engineers are finding more efficient...

Malaysia's Twins: High-Rise, High Strength
U.S. firms, following the market for new skyscrapers to Asia, are involved in design and construction of twin office towers in the commercial heart of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia that will...

Structures Congress XII
This proceedings, composed of two volumes, contains the papers presented at the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Twelfth Structures Congress held in Atlanta, Georgia, USA, April...

Spatial, Lattice and Tension Structures
This proceedings, Spatial, Lattice and Tension Structures, contains over 100 papers presented at the IASS-ASCE International Symposium 1994,...

Analysis and Computation
This proceedings, Analysis and Computation consists of papers presented at the Eleventh Analysis and Computation Conference (formerly Electronic...

Lessons Learned from the Design, Construction and Operation of Hydroelectric Facilities
Lessons Learned from the Design, Construction and Operation of Hydroelectric Facilities is an addition to the series of publications by members...





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