Gully Incision Prediction on Reclaimed Slopes
An investigation was conducted to estimate the potential of gully intrusion into reclaimed waste impoundments. A series of eight reclaimed impoundments exhibiting gully intrusions were...

Stochastic Design of Wastewater Storage Ponds
The authors combine the principle of mass conservation with basic ideas from probability theory and then apply Monte Carlo simulation techniques to develop a family of design charts called...

A Proposed Desilting Reservoir System in Taiwan
The paper discusses the design of a desilting system for Nanhwa reservoir, in which the reservoir is divided into two bays; water flows into the forebay for sedimentation and then over...

Remote Sensing Applications in the Model of Runoff Formation in Excess of Storage
The model of runoff formation in excess of storage applied in some humid regions of China is revised in this paper, so that the model can adopt the information provided by Landsat remote...

Sedimentation Problems of the California Aqueduct
The California Aqueduct crosses the alluvial fans of many intermittent streams on the west side of the San Joaquin Valley. At two sites where watershed sediment yields were underestimated,...

Selecting a Stormwater Service Level for Urban Control
Recently, more and more emphasis is being placed on the maintenance of pre- and post-development runoff peaks from a specified design storm. The limit on post-development flood peaks requires...

Dredged Spoil Storage Basin in the Coastal Waters Near Rotterdam
The maintenance dredging for the Rotterdam harbour area amounts to 23 million m**3 per year, 10 million m**3 of which is polluted to such an extent that a controlled storage is required....

Water Resources Systems Planning: Differential Dynamic Programming Models
A Monte Carlo optimization methodology is presented for water resources systems. The planning model define the optimal storage and release policies for the reservoir system. The optimization...

Oxygenation of Releases from Richard B. Russell Dam
The oxygen injection system at the Richard B. Russell project has a continuous injection system located 1 mile upstream of the Russell damsite but also has supplemental injection capability...

Verification of a Supply Reliability Model
Three versions of an analytical model for estimating the reliability of a water supply system including capacity components and small amounts of finished water storage are presented. Simplifying...

Modeling Reliability in Water Distribution Network Design
The component failures in a water distribution system include pipe breaks, pump failures, valve failures, storage malfunctions, etc. The reliability of these components has an effect upon...

Colorado High Mountain Aquifer Study
This paper describes the potential for formulating water projects in Colorado using the storage capability of high mountain glacial aquifers. Although a terminal moraine provides a natural...

Conjunctive Use Project in Beebe Draw, Co.
A geologically and hydrologically unique alluvial ground water basin, and the hydrologic interaction among aquifer, ground water pumping for irrigation, and the surface water storage and...

Utopia Under Glass
We stand within sight of the day when our reserves of fossils fuel will be inadequate to maintain the type of energy inefficient cities we have grown used to. This exercise in urban planning...

Supply Side Engineering
In New Jersey, the Hackensack Water Co., a private utility, and the North Jersey District Water Supply Commission, a state agency, are jointly completing Wanaque South, a $151 million...

Instant Hydro Forecasting
Two new software programs developed by a San Francisco-based engineering firm determine hydropower potential, best site configuration, and best economics for hydroelectric projects. One...

Seismic Interaction Among Numerous Masses Founded on a Viscoelastic Stratum
The steady-state harmonic response of systems comprising numerous masses resting on a homogeneous, viscoelastic stratum with hysteretic damping is studied. The stratum, bearing on a rigid...

Behavior of Concrete Bulkheads in Salt Drifts
Parameters studies of the behavior of a plug made from expansive concrete have been performed. Such plugs are now being field tested for sealing boreholes, shafts and drifts at an underground...

Structural Design of the Defense Waste Processing Facility
The Defense Waste Processing Facility (DWPF) is designed to process radioactive defense waste sludge and the radioactive nuclides, cesium and stronium, from the salt solution. These radioactive...

A Generic Design for On-Site Low Level Radioactive Waste Storage
This paper describes a generic design for an on-site low level radioactive waste storage facility. The generic design encompases the development of design criteria including an envelope...





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