Scour Assessment at Bridges
Due to the key role that bridges play in the national transportation system, the Federal Highway Administration has developed a scour evaluation program. This program, issued in the form...

Analysis of Local Scouring
An understanding of local scouring is very important for the safety and integrity of hydraulic structures. The location, shape, and magnitude of the scour hole is a function of dynamic...

Reducing the Potential for Flood Litigation
A flood event is usually followed by numerous damage claims that often lead to litigation. This paper proposes measures to mitigate the potential for litigation. It is stressed that an...

Application of Hydraulic and Sediment Transport Principles in the Design of Tidal Exchange Structures
This paper presents a procedure for the analysis and design of tidal exchange structures, such as tidal gates and training dikes. In lieu of over generalized theories or complicated modeling...

Sorting of Mixed Sand on a Two-Dimensional Beach
A numerical method is developed to predict temporal variations of the sea bed topography and the bed-material composition. The predicted results are compared with the measurements in a...

Hydraulic Mechanisms of Riverbank Erosion
Recent efforts are described to develop an improved understanding of bank failure due to piping in noncohesive layers in riverbanks. The efforts included field surveys and laboratory tests....

Single-Channel Alluvial Fan Hydraulics with Application to Design of Medium-Density Projects
Methods to identify flood hazards on alluvial fans are provided by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) in their Flood Insurance Study, Guidelines and Specifications for Study...

Hydraulic Design of the Unser Boulevard Crossing
As an integral part of the design process, a comprehensive hydrologic, hydraulic and sediment transport analysis was completed of the proposed Unser Boulevard crossing of Calabacillas...

Partnership in Environmental Design for Brush Creek Flood Control
Brush Creek drains a highly urbanized area in metropolitan Kansas City. A large physical model was used to develop a channel modification design for flood control. The Parks and Recreation...

Riprap Stability in Channel Bends
A systematic test series is underway in a large test channel to define the stability of riprap on the outer bank of channel bends. A 'practical equilibrium' concept...

The Effects of Bank Protection on River Morphology
Revetment of bends with radius of curvature to width ratios (R/W) between 1.9 and 3.3 on Red River AR, and Sacramento River CA, does not cause the expected thalweg deepening and channel...

Numerical Model Studies of Wetland Hydraulics for Bolsa Bay, California
The Bolsa Bay area, near Los Angeles, presently consists of three distinct regions separated by two sets of culverts. A development is being considered, in which a balance between housing...

Numerical Modeling of Hydraulic Jump
Boussinesq equations describing one-dimensional unsteady, rapidly varied flows are numerically integrated by using a second-order and a fourth-order accurate explicit finite-difference...

General Formulation of Best Hydraulic Channel Section
The best hydraulic channel section is determined by using Lagrange's method of undetermined multipliers. The approach presented is more general & easier to apply than...

Control of Bank Erosion in The Netherlands. State-of-the-art
In the Netherlands the protection against flooding and the effects of inland navigation have always been extremely important. Many problems related to these items, among them erosion and...

Performance Characteristics of Compound Weirs
A theory is outlined which helps to explain the flow over compound weir under free overfall conditions. Experiments on twelve weirs of three sets with different dimensions are shown to...

Relief of an Urban Storm Drainage System
The Peaks Branch storm sewer system was designed in the 1930s to drain 5.7 square miles of East Dallas. Subsequently, development blocked the emergency overflow paths and many areas are...

Closed Conduit Vapor Lock
Closed conduit vapor lock can occur when a cross country liquid pipeline is displaced with a gas and the gas is allowed to get ahead of the liquid/gas interface. A simple hydraulic model...

Hydraulic Transient Analysis of High-Head Hydropower Project
An iterative computer simulation procedure called LIQT (Liquid Transient), which performs simulations of hydraulic transients in closed conduit hydro-power systems, is used to estimate...

Effects of Vegetation on Floods at Four Arizona Sites
Four examples show the effect of vegetation on stage, discharge or frequency of floods. An 8-year growth of trees on the streambed at site 1 increased channel roughness enough to cause...





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