An Application of MCDM to Product-Based Pavement Management
The Finish National Roads Administration is currently developing it's organization to be more object-oriented and profit-making. This renewal implies to so called product-approach. In...

Combining Symbolic and Algorithmic Methods for Capital Budgeting in Highway Rehabilitation
The Pavement Rehabilitation Analysis and Design Mentor (PARADIGM) is a prototype, microcomputer -based, integrated set of interacting expert systems and algorithmic models. This paper...

Transient Performance Model of Asphalt Pavement Deterioration and its Application to Repair Management
The Japanese Ministry of construction has conducted surveys of the pavement surface condition of national highways. This paper describes the evaluation of the performance of asphalt pavement...

Reliability Assessment of Concrete Pavement Sawing
Traditional concrete pavement design sometimes realize on qualitative decision based on experience, with concrete pavement sawing operations representing a specific case in point. presently,...

Addressing Uncertainties in Flexible Pavement Maintenance Decisions at Project Level Using Bayesian Influence Diagrams
Bayesian influence diagrams are directed acyclic graphs used as a network representation for making decisions under uncertainty. These representation facilitate the assessment of coherent...

Pavement Network Level Management Using Micro PAVER
This paper presents pavement network level management using Micro PAVER with emphasis on pavement condition prediction modeling and annual and long range work planning....

Treating Uncertainty in the Design of Horizontal Curves
A model based on expected total cost minimization approach is developed for determining optimal horizontal curvature for highway sections. Expected total cost is defined as the sum of...

Aesthetics in High Speed Rail Projects
Aesthetics is critical to the public acceptance and quality of the experience of a high-speed rail system. Social, functional, visual, kinetic, and symbolic aesthetics have specific design...

Automation for Design of High Speed Rail Alignments
The widespread industry practice of using civil engineering software modified for the design of High Speed Rail alignment is inefficient and produces inadequate results. Advances in computer...

High Speed Rail Loading Scenario and Dynamic Tuning of Track
Similarities and differences exist between conventional and high speed rail (HSR) infrastructure design. The differences stem from the dynamic nature of the HSR loading scenario and the...

Aerodynamic Resistance of Trains Running Through a Tunnel
In what follows, some previously published results and formulae have been combined in order to obtain an applicable tool for evaluating the energy consumption of trains in tunnel as a...

Dynamic Study on New Guideway Structure for JR Maglev
This paper presents an introduction of the study for the design and technical development of a newly proposed guideway structure for the superconductive magnetically levitated train system...

Implementation and Maintenance of a TGV Line
Because of the success of the TGV in France since the opening date in 1981, SNCF plans to implement 2800 miles of new line in the next 20 years. A new line project poses two management...

The Singularity of Spanish Railway High Speed
The Madrid-Seville line has been the main target in many action programmes pursuing the improvement of its insufficient capacity. In 1987, the Government proposed a high speed line (250...

Hydraulic Design of Reversible Flow Trashracks
This monograph, Hydraulic Design of Reversible Flow Trashracks, consolidates the body of information on reversible flow trashracks into a design...

Structural Engineering in Natural Hazards Mitigation
This two-volume set of proceedings, Structural Engineering in Natural Hazards Mitigation, contains the papers presented at Structures Congress...

Small-Government GIS
Geographic information systems, or GISs, have shown great potential for use as a tool by public engineers working on the state and municipal level, but the time and money required to put...

Runway Rehab: A Case for CADD
Hired to design and monitor construction at Boston's Logan Airport, engineers at S E A Consultant's quickly realized that they would have to supplement their...

Landfill on Screen
Engineers for a $3.7 million regional landfill in Iowa turned to computer-aided design at every project step from conceptual design through operations monitoring following construction....

Colorado Dome
Innovative engineering and precise design helped engineers overcome a building's unique shape and difficult site to deliver the $71.5 million Jefferson County Government Center...





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