Tunnel Shotcreting�Strength in Fibers
Steel fiber reinforced shotcrete (SFRS) costs less, has a lower rate of rebound and allows modern excavating equipment to advance with fewer interruptions than conventional shotcrete....

Watertightness and Seepage Control in Roller Compacted Concrete Dams
An unjointed mass of roller compacted concrete (RCC) can easily be proportioned and compacted so that it is essentially impermeable and 'watertight. ' Permeability tests of various field-placed...

Distillery Wastes Treated and Recovered Energy Saves $1 Million/Yr
The waste treatment and energy recovery for the world's largest rum distillery (Bacardi Corp., San Juan, Puerto Rico) uses an aerobic digestion to treat distillery wastes...

Surveying's New Promise: Centimeters from Space
One centimeter accuracy at far less cost than surveying by traditional methods is promised by the Global Positioning System (GPS). Signals from NAVSTAR satellites are received by two or...

Probabilistic Characterization of Soil Properties
Bridge Between Theory and Practice
The two objectives established for these proceedings are: (1) to summarize the principles and procedures of probabilistic characterization of soil properties in a readily understood manner...

Defining Productivity
The writer states that effectiveness, not efficiency, is the key to productivity. Efficiency is measured by how fast a task is accomplished. Effectiveness is determined by the importance...

A Methodology for Open-Water Disposal Site Selection
Pascagoula, Mississippi, is the major industrial region in coastal Mississippi. The existing project, completed in 1965, provides for waterborne transportation from the Gulf of Mexico...

Modeling the Drying of Dredged Material
The drying of dredged material was modeled mathematically as a diffusive process and the governing equation was solved using an integral method. Closed form solution equations are presented...

Dredging Permit, a Case History
A case history of the federal, state and local permitting process for the dredging and disposal of dredged material of a tanker/barge terminal in Boston Harbor is discussed. The dredging...

Cost-Effective Design for Urban Lakes Dredging
The design of a dredging project for an urban lake is usually more complex than for lakes in rural areas. Three areas are special problems particular to the urban lake: chemical quality...

A Biogeochemical Evaluation of Disposal Options
This paper briefly reviews some of the factors that should be considered in selecting an environmentally sound disposal method for contaminated sediments on the basis of the biogeochemical...

REMOTS Sediment Profiling at the Field Verification Program
Disposal of uncapped highly polluted Black Rock Harbor muds took place in April-May 1983 at a buoy located within the Central Long Island Sound Disposal Area in 62-66 feet of water. Baseline...

Evapoconsolidation in Fine-grained Material
The increased difficulty of obtaining land needed for confined disposal of dredged material and phosphatic clays highlights the need to assess alternative disposal measures by accurately...

Marsh Creation Impacts - Mississippi River Delta
Significant conversion of marsh to open water is occurring in the Mississippi River Delta. Evidence is presented that marsh is more valuable to fish and wildlife resources than open water;...

The Maryland Dredge and Fill Permit Process Handbook
Safe navigation in the waters of the State of Maryland is made possible, in part, by the continued maintenance dredging of the State's many ports and waterways. Dredging projects...

Case History: North Slope Alaska Hydraulic Dredging
Alaska's North Slope Borough, with the aid of dredging machinery consultant Michael Weston, and geotechnical consultant Rittenhouse-Zeman & Associates, has pioneered...

Activity-Based Evaluation of Potential Bioaccumulation from Sediments
Sediment bioaccumulation potential evaluations can be improved by a two-level approach. Chemical analysis of sediment interpreted using phase-activity considerations in first-level evaluations...

Aquatic Bioassays in Dredged Material Management
Dredged material ranges from gravel and coarse sand to fine silts and clays, and may be free of contaminants or highly contaminated with a variety of chemicals from industrial, municipal,...

Reliability Analysis as Reflected from the Fourth International Symposium on Stochastic Hydraulics
Reliability analysis is perhaps one of the most practically important branches of the general field of stochastic hydraulics. Its potential applications include quantitative evaluation...

Sensitivity of Model Choice in Reservoir Design
The Box-Jenkins method of model construction and tests of model adequacy and fit are applied to a reservoir design problem. The sensitivity of the stochastic models used to generate synthetic...





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