Microcomputer Capabilities for Trip Table Estimation and Peak Hour Assignments which Consider Peak Spreading
The microcomputer-based TRANPLAN transportation planning package has been expanded to include a trip table estimation procedure and an equilibrium traffic assignment model which simulates...

A Microcomputer Package for Interrelating the Highway Capacity Manual and SOAP 84
There is some evidence that the SOAP program may replicate signalized intersection delay more realistically than the 1985 Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) operational procedure for signalized...

California DOT CADD
Starting in 1983 the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) embarked on a project to incorporate current computer technology into the project development process. Today the...

Computer-Assisted Creativity for Traffic Problems
The main objectives of this paper are to describe a system for computer-assisted creativity, or innovation support, known as The Idea Machine (TIM), and to highlight two case study applications...

Traffic Simulation and its Graphic Presentations
A computer simulation program for traffic signal timing design was developed. The program can provide some appealing graphic presentations not only of input data but also of output results....

Synthetic O-D Microcomputer Trip Table Packages
Three microcomputer models for synthetic estimation of origin-destination trip tables are compared based on theoretical foundations, implementability, and operating performances. Each...

Arterial Traffic Flow in Construction Zones
Previously, NETSIM (NETwork SIMulation model) was the only available simulation model that could investigate a wide mix of traffic control and traffic management strategies for a network...

InTransit: Processing and Analyzing Transit Service Data with the Macintosh
InTransit is a database application based on 4th Dimension designed to facilitate the data processing and analysis phases. InTransit, in its present form, can process both ridecheck and...

Processing Automatically Collected Patronage Data
Since the late 1970's, the San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District (BART) has had the capability to automatically collect trip origin and destination data from its faregates. This...

Advances in Trip Matrix Estimation
The derivation of Origin-Destination (O-D) trip matrices is a vital component of much transportation planning. Obtaining accurate O-D data often poses a challenge on account of the large...

Computer Analysis of Origin-Destination Survey Data in the State Route 55 Travel Corridor, Before and After the Opening of Carpool Lanes
The State Route (SR) 55 carpool lanes in Orange County were opened for high occupancy vehicles (HOV) usage in November, 1985. Since SR 55 was the first travel corridor in Orange County...

Dynamic Assignment Modelling with Trips
This paper describes additional ways in which TRIPS models time-varying, or 'dynamic' effects. These include area-wide effects as vehicles move through the network,...

Resistance Coefficient in a Tidal Channel
In applying a numerical hydrodynamic model to the tidal channel-lagoon complex around Great Sound, New Jersey, it became apparent that the model guidelines for the resistance coefficient...

A 3D-Stereo Graphics Interface for Operational Great Lakes Forecasts
A system for real-time predictions of Great Lakes physics and transport characteristics is now being implemented. The full 3D nature of the predictions demands accurate, high speed computer...

Flow Separation of Currents in Shallow Water
Flow separation of currents in shallow coastal areas is investigated using a boundary layer model for two-dimensional (depth-averaged) tidal flow past an elliptic headland. If the shoaling...

Estuarine, Shelf, and Ocean Hydrodynamic Modelling Approaches
Estuarine, shelf, and ocean hydrodynamic modelling approaches are presented in order to explore the development of a coordinated set of models to describe the complex interactions between...

Calibration of a Transport Model Using Halocarbons
A field study was conducted during April 1987 in which the concentrations of volatile halocarbon tracers, discharged from two existing outfalls, were measured throughout Boston Harbor...

A Method for Estimating Peak Flows from Small Agricultural Watersheds
An attempt was made to develop a method for estimating peak runoff from agricultural watersheds by analyzing precipitation and runoff data, and incorporating the results into a procedure...

Climate Change and Resulting Hydrologic Response: Illinois River Basin
In the last 20 years, the northern half of the Illinois River basin has been experiencing a wetter and cooler climate. This climate change has significantly increased Illinois River flows...

Finite Element Analysis of Hillslope Variations in Surface Runoff
Watershed management decisions are aided through an accurate understanding of hydrologic processes. The finite element method applied to surface runoff with spatially variable hydraulic...





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