Energy Conservation: Long-Overlooked Cheap Source of Energy
With a well-organized conservation program, the U.S. could slash present energy consumption 30% to 40%�� while still maintaining present living standards. But, to date, the U.S. has failed...

International Seminar on Probabilistic and Extreme Load Design of Nuclear Plant Facilities
Proceedings of the International Seminar on Probabilistic and Extreme Load Design of Nuclear Plant Facilities, held in San Francisco, California, August 22-24, 1977. Sponsored by the ASCE...

Electric Power Today
Problems and Potential
The papers exam the present status of electrical power in hopes to increase the awareness of the membership concerning the problems and issues involved in this important aspect of our...

Modern Concrete Structures Survive Romanian Earthquake
On March 4, 1977, 35 buildings collapsed during a severe earthquake (7.2 on the Richter scale) in Bucharest, Romania. Thirty-two of the 35 were older structures, erected before World War...

Subway Structures Good, Other Elements Need Rehab
Capital spending priorities of New York City's Transit Authority have shifted, as it postponed indefinitely the construction of all but one new line�the line from 63rd St....

Peaking Power from Stored Air
Pumped storage has been recognized as a means of supplying additional electric power generation capacity during peak load periods for quite a while. However, such facilities are traditionally...

Putting Alternative Sources of Energy Into Perspective
Until the year 2000, the main energy sources will remain fossil, nuclear, and hydroelectric; synthetic fuels, solar, geothermal, and wind energy are the only alternatives likely to be...

The Magnificent Obsession of TVA
Before the TVA came, the Tennessee Valley region was one of the nation's poorest: no electricity; deep, gullied erosion of the hilly farm country; periodic devastating flooding...

Dallas Expressway Quickly Rehabilitates With Aid of Giant Cold-Milling Machine
The Dallas, Texas Central Expressway, one of the most intensively used roads in the U.S., was plagued by a deteriorating and bumpy surface, and poor skid resistance. The pavement consisted...

The Current State of Knowledge of Lifeline Earthquake Engineering
Proceedings of the Technical Council on Lifeline Earthquake Engineering Specialty Conference, held at the University of California, Los Angeles, California, August 30-31, 1977. Sponsored...

Converting Solar Energy to Hydrogen: Answer to U.S.'s Long-Range Energy Needs�
Sunshine is an abundant, inexhaustible, non-polluting energy source; it is free; and no foreign country can control it. The problem arises in harnessing, storing and transporting the power...

ASCE Tackles Standards
ASCE is sharply expanding its standards activity. Standards committees are at work in the fields of building loads, fire safety of structures, steel box-girder bridges, nuclear power plants...

New Era in Fire Protective Coatings for Steel
Building designers have been receptive to new approaches to fireproofing steel. Among alternatives to traditional fireproofing now on the market: (1)Medium density inorganic systems such...

Recycling Refuse Into Energy
Some 50% of large cities, 10% of small ones reportedly are talking about recycling their municipal refuse. Several are building facilities or have recently begun operations. This article...

How Concerned Should Civil Engineers be with Fire Protection�
During the last five years, there has been increasing concern and interest in fire safety in buildings, especially tall buildings. This has resulted in new federal legislation, a new General...

Electric Power
Today and Tomorrow
Proceedings of the Power Division Specialty Conference held in Denver, Colorado, August 18-20, 1965. Sponsored by the American Society of Civil Engineers. Power Division...





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