Competitive Advantage of Using Computers in Structural Design
More and more structural analysis and design work is done using computers. The trend will continue because the software is becoming more powerful and the cost of computers is falling....

Computer Aided Experiments for Truss Structures
It is quite difficult to investigate structural mechanical properties by full scaled structure experiments. Consequently, an experiment using a reduced scale model is generally performed....

An Application of Fuzzy Set Theory to Preference Analysis in Bus Route Choices
One of the difficulties in applying fuzzy set theory to the real situation is how to determine membership functions. In this study, a questionnaire survey was conducted to assess bus riders'...

An Integrated System to Facilitate the Analysis of Construction Claims
In recent years, considerable attention has been directed towards the ascertaining the nature of disruptions in construction contracting. In practice, attempts are made to identify the...

Analytical Information Management Systems: Tools for Environmental Data Management
Management of environmental data is currently fragmented among laboratory information management systems, regulatory reporting systems, geographic information systems, and other systems....

Nonlinear Trial Load Method of Arch Dams
The trial load method is still an important method for the stress analysis of arch dams at present. However, the trial load method can be used only for the linear elastic analysis of arch...

Optimal Processor Mapping for Massively Parallel Finite Element Computations
The exploitation of massively parallel computer for finite element analysis requires efficient usage of processors as well fast speed. For example, the efficiency of a parallel matrix...

Simulative Calculation of Highrise Building Structure Under Vertical Loads
It is well known, the general structural stiffness and the vertical construction loads are formed storey by storey from bottom to top of the building especially for cast R.C. structure....

Parallel-Adaptive Finite Element Analysis on a Transputer Cluster
This paper describes a parallel-adaptive finite element approach on a parallel transputer cluster of the MIMD type. The analysis is controlled by a special error indicator. In comparison...

The Influence of Preform on the Vibration Mode of a Thin Plate
In this paper, an algorithm is developed for the calculation of the vibration mode of a preformed thin plate. The principal governing equations are derived by using the large-deflection...

Time-Dependent Analysis of Nonprismatic Curved PC Box Girder Bridges
The purpose of this paper is to present a step-by-step computer method for predicting the deflection and stress distribution duo to creep and shrinkage of concrete in nonprismatic, curved,...

The Reliability Program in Truncated JC Method
JC method is in common use in the structure reliability analysis. In this paper, the program which can be used as to consider the truncated distribution has been proposed, With this method...

Rive, Rive-Grown and Burst Probability of Rolled Compressive Concrete Arch Dam
The rive, every step of the rive grown and even burst of arch dam are regarded as sequence random events. Making use of the probability theory and the achievement of elastic, elastic-plastic...

The Application of Gauss Numerical Integration Method in Arch Dam Trial-load Method Program
The characteristics of Gauss Numerical Integration Method are the unequal distance between nodes and fairly high accuracy. When the number of nodes is n, the algebraic accuracy can be...

Managing the Data Explosion
Sound data management practices have always been central to a successful project. However, the data explosion brought on by high-tech electronic sensors and automatic samplers can exceed...

Nondestructive Evaluation Techniques and Their Role in Infrastructure Management
Nondestructive evaluation (NDE) techniques can play an important role in infrastructure management. They can be used to assess current condition a well as to predict future performance...

Sonic NDT for Infrastructure Assessment
Sonic Nondestructive Testing (NDT) techniques are valuable tools for assessing infrastructure. Relatively recent innovations in the field can reveal the internal conditions of concrete...

Promoting Management Systems Within Organizations
The major effort during the years in which pavement management emerged as an accepted practice was making refinements to the technical models and techniques in the systems. For example,...

Modeling the Spatial Structure of Facility Condition
This study develops methods for information extraction that he bridge the gap between the detailed condition data collected by advanced technologies and the information necessary for maintenance...

TRACK(1.0): A Railroad Track Design and Evaluation Computer Program for Work Planning and Budgeting
This paper describes TRACK, a track structural analysis method and computer program developed by the U.S. Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratories. TRACK is a program for evaluating...





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