Potential Statewide Impacts of Florida's Proposed High Speed Rail System
This paper presents a summary of the findings from an analysis of the potential statewide impacts resulting from the construction and operation of a high speed intercity rail system in...

High-Speed Surface Transportation Cost Estimating
The cost of building and operating high-speed surface transportation (HSST) systems in the United States is a critical factor in determining their feasibility. Costs are difficult to estimate...

The Megabight Barrier / Maglev Way?Innovative Siting of High Speed Ground Transportation...Offshore
Air and road traffic congestion around cities, e.g., in the BOSWASH corridor, can be reduced by high speed rail systems. But high speed trains on elevated rails/guideways encounter extra...

Contractor's Quality Program Requirements
To examine the applicability of modern QC/QA techniques to large HSGT infrastructure projects constructed by outside contractor consortia....

Concurrent Engineering Planning in HSGT Systems
Why should concurrent engineering concepts and TQM (Total Quality Management) procedures be considered for large scale HSGT (High Speed Ground Transportation) engineering and planning...

High Speed Rail Loading Scenario and Dynamic Tuning of Track
Similarities and differences exist between conventional and high speed rail (HSR) infrastructure design. The differences stem from the dynamic nature of the HSR loading scenario and the...

Condemnation & Florida's Rapid Rail Transportation
High Speed Rail Transportation Projects, (HSRT) whether initiated by private interests or government, almost always require the use of eminent domain proceedings or the threat of eminent...

Potential for the Segmental Development of High Speed Rail in the Orlando-Tampa Corridor
The State of Florida has been pursuing the planning and implementation of high speed rail in the Miami-Orlando-Tampa corridor for the past ten years. Due to financial and institutional...

Implementation and Maintenance of a TGV Line
Because of the success of the TGV in France since the opening date in 1981, SNCF plans to implement 2800 miles of new line in the next 20 years. A new line project poses two management...

Metric Design: It's Real
Metric construction is coming out of the ground in the U.S. as well as in the rest of the world. It's no longer something to be considered someday, somewhere. Metric�the Systeme...

Energy Facility Siting in Coastal Zones
Siting constraints to the development of coastal energy facilities may lengthen or complicate the siting process. These constraints have evolved over the history of coastal energy facilities....

Recovery of Shoreline Ecosystems Following the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill and Subsequent Treatment
High-pressure, hot-water washing was evaluated as one of several countermeasures for cleaning oiled shorelines. This was the primary treatment method for nearly all treated shorelines...

HAZMAT?Protecting Coastal Resources from Pollution Emergencies
As we've seen over the years, pollution from accidental spills and hazardous waste sites can harm the coastal environment. What can be done? A critical step towards ameliorating the problem...

NOAA, Bioassessment Techniques and the Superfund Process
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA) assessments of SUperfund sites require an evaluation of whether contaminants are present in an aquatic environment of concern,...

Methods to Assess Ecological Risk Used at Superfund Mega-Sites
This paper presents a variety of approaches that have been used (or are proposed) to address the potential ecological risks posed by contaminant releases from Superfund mega-sites. The...

Method for Understanding the Characteristics of Coastal Zones from Historical and Geographical Viewpoints
Through this model investigation of the Miura Peninsula, it was found that collection of various kinds of coastal zone geographical information in the format of a CZCT is useful for understanding...

Project Priority Ranking Under CWPPRA
This paper presents an economic analysis of the procedure of ranking wetlands projects under the Coastal Wetlands Planning Protection and Restoration Act (CWPPRA) as implemented in Louisiana....

Dredged Material Filled Geotextile Containers
Design and construction of geotextile containers hydraulically and mechanically filled with a variety of dredged material types has gained popularity in the past few years because of their...

Federal Damage Assessments in New England After the Halloween '91 Northeaster
The unusually long period waves which characterized the storm of 30-31 October 1991 caused it to be one of the most destructive storms to impact the New England coastline. To assess emergency...

Challenges Associated with Metriciation of the Nautical Chart
Under the Metric conversion Act of 1975, Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness Act of 1988, and Executive Order 12770 of 1991 all federal agencies are required to convert to the international...





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