Water Conservation for Boilers and Steam Systems
The City of Anaheim Public Utilities Department conducted a comprehensive water use survey for Coca-Cola Foods plant located in Anaheim and recommended several conservation measures to...

An Appropriate Technology to Treat Domestic Sewage
Various alternative wastewater treatment systems (AWWTS) are outlined and attention is drawn to a low cost sustainable wastewater treatment system that has been functioning satisfactorily...

Education and Research Needs for Appropriate Technology
Appropriate technology and sustainable development are inextricably interrelated and the engineering profession is increasingly realizing that greater care must be given to taking these...

Economic Risk Analysis as a Research Directing Paradigm
Risk analysis could be used to direct a manageable, prioritized strategic plan for evaluating bridge scour research needs. Through risk analysis, the costs of research and the potential...

Eastern San Joaquin County Groundwater Management
An aquifer system of significant volume is located in Eastern San Joaquin County (ESJC), part of California's Central Valley. The industry in that region is primarily agriculture,...

Management of Stream-Aquifer Systems in the 21st Century
Many water agencies, especially those in the arid and semi-arid southwest of United States rely on stream-aquifer systems for a significant proportion of their water supplies. Wastewater...

Comparison of General vs. Multi Sector NPDES Storm Water Permits
In November 1990, in response to the 1987 amendments to the Clean Water Act, the EPA initiated the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) storm water permitting program....

San Diego County Water Authority's Emergency Storage Project: A Major Planning Achievement
The San Diego County Water Authority (Authority) has been actively working to maximize the security of the future water needs of the community it serves. The Emergency Storage Project...

Stormwater Management for San Joaquin Hills Transportation Corridor, Orange County, California
San Joaquin Hifis Transportation Corridor (SJHTC or Corridor) is one of the largest design-build toll roads in U.S.A. To meet stringent environmental mitigation requirements, to ensure...

Selection of Sediment Transport Relations: Part I, Review of Sediment Transport Comparisons
There are a great number of sediment transport relations in existence in the world today. The engineer is often faced with the problem of choosing the most appropriate relation for the...

The Sawmill Creek Watershed Restoration Project
The Sawmill Creek project is a comprehensive watershed restoration effort. The goal is to demonstrate that existing programs can be coordinated in order to improve water quality, and habitat...

Reduction of Sediment Loads in DEC Streams
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Demonstration Erosion Control (DEC) project is actively involved in the stabilization and restoration of many drastically disturbed incising streams in...

Quail Creek: A Case Study of Restoration Using Native Materials
Quail Creek, a stream in northern Baltimore County, Maryland, was restored in 1990 using the approach developed by Rosgen to diagnose the problems, and determine the parameters for stable...

The Case for Water Markets as the Best Means for Effective Water Allocation
Water markets have a potential for providing flexible and efficient mechanisms for allocating water among alternative uses. In order for markets to emerge It is necessary for private rights...

The Case Against Markets
Markets are much in vogue as ideal institutions for managing water both nationally and internationally. True markets, however, have seldom existed for water rights and there are good reasons...

Construction of Performance Contours on the Storage-Yield Plane of a Within-Year Reservoir System
The reservoir storage-reliability-yield (S-R-Y) relationships developed in the past have considered only the probability of failure to meet the target requirements, but not the likely...

Better Management in the Water Supply Sector Through Indigenous Institutions
The following discussion briefly explores how improved institutional performance in Africa's water sector can be promoted through reconciliation of indigenous and formal institutions....

Wastewater Reuse: An Alternative for Potable Water
Adverse economic conditions throughout the world have resulted in a shift of priorities causing water supply and sanitation schemes to relegate down the list of adequately funded projects....

Appropriate Sanitation Technology Advisor: A Planner's Tool in Less Developed Countries
The goal of the expert system (ES) prototype described in this paper is to create an advising method for planners, engineers and officials in Less-Developed Countries (LDCs) to utilize...

Protection against Flooding: A New Delta Plan in the Netherlands
The Netherlands are situated on the delta of three of Europe's main rivers: the Rhine, the Meuse, and the Scheldt. As a result, the country has been able to develop into an important industrial...





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