Closing the Loop
The 5.1 mi Cooper River Bridge, the longest in South Carolina, completes the I 526 Mark Clark Expressway around Charleston. It is a two-way, four-lane structure with the capability of...

London Linkage
Although it measures just 1.8 km, the Limehouse Link tunnel in London is both a complex engineering project and a gateway to urban renewal. The link is a $350 million highway tunnel connecting...

Issues in Balancing Environmental Costs and Benefits in Water Resources Planning
Water projects differ in their physical and economic characteristics and their environmental impacts. Many environmental impacts are addressed through project design and these associated...

Simulation of Subsurface Drainage of Highway Pavements
An analysis of the drainage of a pavement system from initial saturation incorporates a realistic assessment of the drainable porosity of the base. This analysis indicates that if a granular...

The Influence of Protective Material on Local Scour Dimensions
Protective materials installed around the base of a bridge pier can reduce or prevent local scour. The performance of four materials: grout mats, grout bags, footings, and riprap, are...

Tetrapods as a Scour Countermeasure
Few materials have been studied for their effectiveness in protecting bridge piers and abutments from local scour other than riprap. Recent research conducted at the FHWA research facility...

Threats to Bridge Stability from Scour Related Failures of Drop Structures
Catastrophic failure of bridge foundations may occur when channel bed elevations are lowered unexpectedly. Bridges to be constructed in channels that are known to have bed degradation...

Riprap Coverage Around Bridge Piers
Experiments were conducted to examine the effect of riprap size and coverage on reducing local scour at bridge piers. Pier diameter, bed material size, riprap size and diameter were varied...

Using Geophysical Data to Assess Scour Development
The development of scour holes in the Connecticut River near the new Baldwin Bridge has been documented by comparing geophysical records collected before (1989), during (1990), and after...

Risk and Uncertainty in Flood Damage Reduction Project Design
The recent emphasis on partnership between the Federal government and local sponsors in the development of flood damage reduction projects has promoted considerable interest in the application...

Sacramento River Environmental Requirements
Environmental requirements have altered bank protection engineering and construction on the Sacramento River, California. Conflicts between public safety and environmental protection remain...

Composite Construction?Recent Past, Present and Near Future
The present paper covers a shorter time span. It is divided into three parts: recent past, present and near future. The remarks regarding the recent past are limited to my personal experiences....

New Developments in Eurocode 4
The European Community has initiated the preparation of a set of harmonized structural codes. Eurocode 4 is the code for the design of composite steel and concrete structures. The first...

New Canadian Provisions Related to the Design of Composite Beams
In this paper, the new provisions in CAN/CSA-S16.1-M89 for the design of composite beams, together with reasons for changes, are discussed. Some of the new provisions reflect results of...

Highlights of the New ASCE Standards on Composite Deck Floor Slabs
This paper presents highlights of the newly approved and printed ASCE Standard on the design and construction of composite floor deck slabs utilizing cold-formed steel. In 1992 four documents...

European Good Practice in Composite Floor Construction
Previous European experience, research and design for composite slabs with profiled steel decking are discussed. Present efforts to harmonize composite slab design and good construction...

Slim-Floor Beams: Design Criteria and Structural Behaviour
Partially concrete-encased steel beams are mostly employed due to their natural resistance to fire, but there may also be other reasons, e.g. to obtain smaller depths of construction....

Summary Report Design Session
The Tuesday presentations were devoted to design. Eight papers were presented in the morning general session and 17 presentations were made in 4 concurrent evening workshops. Diversity...

Double Skin Composite Construction for Submerged Tube Tunnels
A new form of sandwich construction consisting of two relatively thin steel plates, with a concrete infill has been developed for use in the construction of submerged tube tunnels. The...

Seismic Performance and Composite Action of Older Structures
A study into the seismic performance of older steel structures is described. A review is made of the types of steel building construction completed during the period of interest, and the...





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