Evaluation of Airborne Video Imagery for Distinguishing Intertidal Oyster Reefs
We evaluated the effectiveness of airborne video imagery in distinguishing and mapping oyster (Crassostrea virginica) reefs in Aransas Bay on the southern Texas gulf coast. Imagery obtained...

DUNEBASE?Information Management System
DUNEBASE - an information management system designed to facilitate access to, and use of, large text information banks and data bases on geomorphology, human use, and vegetation of the...

Beach Morphology Analysis Package (BMAP)
This paper describes a newly developed personal computer software analysis package called BMAP, which stands for 'Beach Morphology Analysis Package.' The BMAP is an integrated set of beach...

A Man-Machine Partnership for Map Production: An Application of Image Classification and Auto-Vectorization in Charting Coastlines
The semi-automatic production of coastal area maps through computer processed digital images is described. Two sources of digital imagery were addressed: satellite and aircraft mounted...

Bank Erosion at the Aransas National Wildlife Refuge
The Aransas National Wildlife Refuge has been experiencing problems with the erosion along the banks of the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway. In order to prevent future erosion it is necessary...

Berm Placement Planning Study at Breton Island, Louisiana
This paper identifies tools that are being utilized to determine the most environmentally beneficial location for a nearshore berm to be constructed at Breton Island, Louisiana. The computer...

The Specific Peculiarities of Relief Transformation and Shelly Sediment Differentiation in Coastal Zone
The settling velocities values of shelly sediment considerably differ from ones of the same particles of terrigeneous material and for this reason character and intensity of hydrodynamic...

Coast Dynamics and Coast-Protective Measures on the Crimean Black Sea Coast
The main data on hydro- and lithodynamics of the Crimean Black Sea coast are presented. The principal coast-protecting measures are described as used on various coast sections. The construction...

The Specific Features of Modern Dynamics and Coast Structure of the Black Sea Within Romania
The Romanian Black Sea coasts are studied inadequately in comparison with Ukrainian, Russian, Georgian, and Bulgarian coasts. Abundant data have been collected in the Danube delta. The...

About Some Dynamic Conditions of the Beach Sedimentary Strata Formation on the Bulgarian Sandy Coast of the Black Sea
Based on detailed studying of the beach sedimentary sequence composition in sections of perpendicular trenches in the western (Bulgarian) coast of the Black sea and comparison with results...

Morphology of the Southern North Sea Coast from Cape Blanc-Nez (F) to Den Helder (NL)
The southeastern North Sea coast of France, Belgium and the Netherlands (up to Den Helder) is characterized by coastal dunes, sandy beaches and a shallow, gently shoreface. In the Delta...

Coastal Morphological Modeling for the Southern North Sea
The paper gives a inventory of mathematical model concepts for coastal morphological applications, from sophisticated short-term process models based on first physical principles, via...

Implications of Environmental Dynamics for Sustainable Environment and Resources Management Futures in the Niger Delta
The paper examines the implications of environmental dynamics for environmental sustainability and resources management futures. The paper first discusses the concept and characteristics...

Field Implementation and Testing of a Machine Vision Based Incident Detection System
This paper contains test results of a video detection device installed in the field for over two years and the development and field deployment of an incident detection sysytems called...

Video Image Processing Application: Automatic Incident Detection on Freeways
This paper presents the results of tests carried out in the last 3 months of 1992 regarding the Automatic Incident Detection System elaborated in the INAVID project (DRIVE program). This...

A Prototype Real-time Expert System for Surface Street Traffic Management and Control
This paper discusses the development of a prototype real-time knowledge based expert system (KBES) to demonstrate the feasibility of assisting the operators of surface street Traffic Management...

A Dynamic Real-Time Incident Detection System for Urban Arterials?System Architecture and Preliminary Results
This study presents a system which is capable of detecting incidents in real-time and adjusting itself to traffic dynamics through the embedded learning mechanism. The entire system consists...

Image Measurement Systems for Traffic Analysis?Specifications, Survey, and Limits
This presentation is concerned with systems for extraction of road traffic information from visual images. The extracted information ranges from macro-scale, cumulative traffic parameters...

An Integrated Route Assignment and Traffic Simulation System with a Massively Parallel Computing Architecture
This research presents two critical issues in the development of an integrated route assignment and traffic simulation system of ATMS-ATIS applications. The first issue addresses the conceptual...

Scaling Laws of Gravity Driven Fingering During Organic Liquid Infiltration
Wetting front instability can occur during vertical infiltration of a liquid into porous media, particularly when a fine soil layer is overlying a coarse layer. The result of this instability...





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