Odors: The Other Effluent
Neighbors object to unpleasant odors emitted at wastewater treatment plants, and dealing with such odors requires tact as well as technology. The operators and engineers must listen to...

Sludge in the Nineties
Strict new regulations proposed for sludge disposal have toughened the challenge ahead for engineers. The regulations are the first to ever address sludge disposal in a comprehensive,...

Bioremediation: Testing the Waters
Piotrowski describes the pilot study that led to the first EPA-mandated use of bioremediation to clean up a Superfund aquifer. (Bioremediation seeks to stimulate microbial activity to...

Big Trouble in Little America
Traditionally, rural communities in the U.S. have relied on septic systems to treat their wastewater. Many of the nation's 23 million septic systems, however, are failing....

Putting Waste to Use
Although it's only been nine years since Superfund was passed, a traditional hazardous waste disposal process has nontheless been established. That is, wastes are taken to...

Training the Waste Watchers
Whether an engineer is going to work at a Superfund site himself, or if his firm will be doing cleanup work at the site, that engineer will want to take the 40 hour training course as...

Selection of Consultants for Municipal Water/Wastewater Projects
The City of Dallas, Texas Water Utilities Department is responsible for the design and construction of all needed water and wastewater facilities including treatment plants, pump stations,...

Channel Tunnel, Texas Style
Two water supply pipelines under the Houston Ship Channel and Greens Bayou are an example of deep tunneling in soft ground. The navigable waters and the water-bearing silty soils in the...

Stabilizing a `Mann'-Sized Sinkhole
On Sept. 21, 1988, a sinkhole suddenly developed beneath a transmission/distribution effluent pipeline on Mann Road in Orange County, FL. Initially it measured 30 ft in diameter and 8...

Augering Answers
Leaking storage tanks, a long time environmental problem, are now being addressed nationally with cleanup regulations. Clearly, inexpensive and quick remediations are needed. This article...

Studies of Fish Protection Methods at Hydroelectric Plants
Five largely untested but economical fish-protection systems were tested at sites throughout North America. The process of selecting laboratory and field test sites was completed at the...

Arbuckle Mountain Hydro Vertical-Axis Fish Screens
Fish screens to exclude small fry and debris at remote sites such as Arbuckle Mountain Hydroelectric Plant post unique design considerations to satisfy criteria established by fisheris...

Field Experiences in Improving Water Quality Downstream From Dams
Recent experiences by the Tennessee Valley Authority in improving water quality and fish habitat downstream from dams are presented. At Douglas Dam, floating pumps near the surface of...

Reservoir Releases Improvements?Requiem for Integrating Pollution Control and Resource Management Programs?
To better define the interrelationships between economic growth and development, pollution control, and water resource management, TVA conducted two studies that examined how reservoir...

Waterstop Technology?The Next Chapter
Water leakage through and around failed waterstops in concrete structures can cause serious flooding, damage to equipment, affect structural stability, and pose potential safety problems....

The Stanley Canyon Conduit Hydroelectric Project
The Stanley Canyon Hydroelectric Project is an excellent example of the maximum use of a natural resource. The project is a combined water supply and hydroelectric facility which received...

Sewage Plant Engineered for Value
The Camden County (NJ) Municipal Utilities Authority was formed in 1972 to cope with suburban growth that had overloaded 34 primary treatment plants. By the early 1990s, the Authority...

Roller Compacted Concrete with Marginal Aggregates
Roller compacted concrete is a technology which is vastly expanding beyond the traditional uses of pavement and dam oriented projects. Hornsby Bend Wastewater Treatment Plant required...

Regulatory and Environmental Issues of the Chisman Creek Superfund Site
This paper discusses the regulatory and environmental issues arising from the response to the Record of Decision (ROD) for the Chisman Creek Superfund Site in York County, Virginia. Field...

Sewer Rehabilitation?Metro Chicago
After a number of public hearings in the late 1960's and early 1970's which focused on sewer backup problems in the Sanitary District's separate...





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