Health Hazard Assessment of Waterless Remote Site Waste Management Technologies
The United States Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratory (USA-CERL) has had an ongoing research program addressing remote site waste treatment technologies. The potential for...

Impact of Metallic Solders on Water Quality
A description is given of first-draw water testing at residences in a Long Island, N. Y. , water district. Results for heavy metals, particularly lead, leaching from the solder and plumbing...

Enforcement Support at an NPL Landfill in Colorado
Since 1964, the City and County of Denver has owned the Lowry Landfill site, located approximately 15 miles (24 km) southeast of Denver. During the period of July 1967 through 1980, the...

Chemicals in the Environment: An Approach to Estimate Magnitude of Risk
This paper provides an overview of application of toxicological procedures to estimate health risks posed by hazardous materials in the environment. Emphasis will be placed on information...

Issues in Dam Grouting
Although perhaps the largest number of individual grouting projects do not involve dams, by far the largest volume of grout used is for grouting of new or existing dams. This volume presents...

Survival of Ocean Life: The Critical Balance
Several major problem areas in ocean management are in need of immediate and stringent address. Excessive erosion and sedimentation, stems from man's inadequacies in land...

Modification of the Sedimentary Environment During Construction of the Hart-Miller Island Diked Disposal Facility
The state of Maryland contracted for the construction of a diked disposal facility. Research investigations were conducted to assess the impact of the dike construction on the environment...

Effect of Shallow Trench Construction on Cast Iron Pipelines
This paper summarizes the results of three-dimensional finite element analyses to evaluate the strains and displacements sustained by 4, 6, and 8-in. (100, 150, and 200 mm)-diameter cast...

SPIDA: An Analysis and Design System for Buried Concrete Pipe
The paper presents a description of a new computerized direct design method for buried concrete pipe named SPIDA (Soil-Pipe Interaction Design and Analysis). Also the technical basis and...

Earth Pressure and Surface Load Effects on Buried Pipelines
Rational techniques for analyzing earth pressure and surface load effects, based on finite element analysis methods, have been developed and applied extensively to the design of buried...

Characterization of Soil Arching Above Buried Conduits
Conventional ways of assessing the effects of soil arching over buried conduits were examined by means of finite element analyses. It was found that neither of the conventional soil arching...

Response of Buried Flexible Plastic Conduits Under Loading
Structural performance of 75 mm and 100 mm diameter plastic conduits embedded in Lloyd clay were examined experimentally in a laboratory soil bin, and numerically by the finite element...

A 1-D Saltwater Intrusion Program on the IBM-PC
A one-dimensional finite element program has been developed for use on the IBM-PC as an aid to teaching groundwater hydrology to students. The program uses linear elements and the Galerkin...

Computer Model Study of a Contaminated Well Field-Groundwater Pollution Source Identification and Contaminant Plume Simulation
Toxic waste contamination is currently threatening the public water-supply wells of the Town of Vestal, New York. As a practical tool to assist the remedial investigation, a two-dimensional...

Modeling Hydraulic Problems Using the CVBEM and the Microcomputer
The Complex Variable Boundary Element Method (CVBEM) offers an effective and efficient means for modeling two-dimensional potential and related flow problems. The method has been applied...

Computer Modeling of Groundwater Flow
In attempting to numerically solve the nonlinear equation for flows in porous media, the Galerkin process, which bears a great similarity to direct methods of the calculus of variations,...

Overview of EPRI'S Solid Waste Environmental Studies
The Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) initiated a comprehensive research project in 1983 with the long-term goal of improving and validating methods for predicting the fate of chemicals...

Physical and Chemical Behavior of Chrysotile Asbestos Particles in Natural Waters
The paper reports on research to develop a better understanding of the chemical behavior and the influence of surface chemistry on the physical behavior of chrysotile asbestos and other...

Numerical Models for Two-Dimensional Surface Runoff
Numerical models for surface runoff in watersheds having two-dimensional or horizontally varying topography are presented. Two finite element methodologies, a standard Galerkin and a streamline...

Sedimentation of Waste Particles in Coastal Waters
Environmental effects associated with various ocean disposal practices are determined to a large extent by the fate of waste particles. The importance of coagulation on particle deposition...





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