Improved Corrosion Protection for Flue Gas Systems Utilizing a Dual Liner Concept
A unique system of corrosion resistant materials has shown excellent performance and durability in flue gas systems for fossil plants, cogeneration plants, waste incinerators and waste-to-energy...
Designing for Corrosion Control
This presentation will discuss designing from several aspects: a. Designing of the item to lessen the affects of corrosion. b. Selection of non-corrosive materials in the designing process...
Procedure for Seismic Evaluation and Design of Small Bore Piping
Simplified methods for the seismic design for small bore piping in nuclear power plants have been used for many years. Various pipe designers have developed unique methods to treat the...
Anchoring?A New Generation
During the time period of NRC Bulletin 79-02, and certainly afterwards, the use and application of wedge type anchors in Nuclear Power Plants took on a new perspective. The data gathered...
Recirculation Piping Replacement Project at Dresden Unit 3
This paper discusses the Recirculation Piping Replacement Project performed at Dresden Unit 3 during 1985 and 1986. It describes several of the technical and administrative problems associated...
Interim Spent-Fuel Storage Options at Commercial Nuclear Power Plants
Although spent fuel can be stored safely in waterfilled pools at reactor sites, some utilities may not possess sufficient space for life-of-plant storage capability. In-pool storage capability...
Design, Permitting and Initial Operation of a 32 Mw Agricultural Waste Fired Power Plant
Independent power producers are playing an increasingly important role in satisfying the electric power requirements of public utilities. Many of the independent power producers rely heavily...
The Low Temperature Engine System?Status Report
Computer simulations have shown the Low-Temperature Engine System (LTES), a breakthrough in application of long-established thermodynamic principles, to offer double digit power output...
The Future of Non-Utility Generation
The business of designing, constructing and operating non-utility owned electric power plants continues to evolve into the 1990s. The industry is consolidating as smaller market participants...
Will The Market in Emission Allowances Work?
The Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 introduce a major new control program to mitigate the impacts of acid rain. The control program, which has been under debate for approximately a decade,...
Projections for Reduction in Lake Acidification From SO2 Emission Reductions
The Acid Deposition Assessment Model (ADAM) is used to assess the possible range of effects of a national acid rain emission reduction plan on lake chemistry and fish populations in the...
Evaluating Advanced Technologies for Acid Rain Compliance
Technological innovation in emissions control of acid rain precursors has made possible increasingly stringent control requirements for coal-fired power plants. A key challenge for potential...
Optimization Models for Acid Rain Control
A series of related optimization formulations are presented for developing and analyzing acid rain control strategies. These models span a wide array of approaches and reflect a similarly...
Screening Emissions Control Measures
Under the new Clean Air Act, electric utilities will be able to choose from a wider range of sulfur dioxide emissions control options than in the past. Among the newly available measures...
Introduction to Structural and Mechanical Failure Modes for Nuclear Power Facilities
The three papers presented in this section discuss the types of information (i.e., dynamic tests, earthquake experience and analytical data) which are used in predicting the capacity of...
Containment Capacity and Failure Modes Beyond Design Basis Conditions
Analytical and experimental studies have shown that containments can at least sustain two to three times design pressures. Under the severe accident overpressure loading, experimental...
Fly Ash Grouts for Subsidence Control
A laboratory investigation was undertaken to examine procedures for evaluating candidate grouts and to develop quality grouts for use in abandoned mines. The objective of this grout application...
Properties and Environmental Impact of Stabilized Fly Ash
This paper summarizes the results of two research studies aimed at evaluating the properties and possible environmental effects of bituminous and lignite coal based fly ashes stabilized...
Stabilized Fly Ash Cover for a Municipal Waste Landfill
The study reported herein and several recently related projects have been aimed at reducing the hydraulic conductivity of fly ash and physiochemically fixing any potential leachable metals....
Leachate Flow from an Experimental Fly Ash Landfill
Combustion of coal in large-scale utility boilers produces an ash by-product which is often stored in open landfills. An experimental fly ash landfill was constructed by Pennsylvania Power...
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