Loma Prieta Earthquake?Emergency Response and Restoration: Water and Sewerage Lifelines
Water and Sewerage systems performed very well with a few exceptions in the Loma Prieta earthquake. Pipeline damage occurred in unstable ground. Damage at treatment plants was due to sloshing...

Hydropower's Balancing Act
Relicensing applications are due at the end of 1991 on some 170 hydro plants across the U.S., a large percentage of the more than 400 plants that will go through the process by 2010. Conditions...

Slow Sand Filtration
This report, Slow Sand Filtration, was prepared by the Task Committee on Slow Sand Filtration of the Water Supply Committee of the Environmental...

Air-Water Mass Transfer
This monograph, Air-Water Mass Transfer: Selected Papers from the Second International Symposium on Gas Transfer at Water Surfaces, consists of papers presented at the Symposium which...

Retrofitting Fossil Plant Facilities Structural Perspectives
This publication, Retrofitting Fossil Plant Facilities: Structural Perspectives, was prepared by the Retrofit Task Committee of the Fossil Power Committee of the American Society of Civil...

Seattle's Good Neighbor Policy
The West Point wastewater treatment plant in Seattle sits on a spit of land jutting into Puget Sound. Close by is Discovery Park, a haven for nature lovers, located on a bluff above the...

Analyzing Risk
Engineers designing major projects must often grapple with large areas of uncertainty�from estimating the seismic hazard to a nuclear powerplant to the potential effects of decades of...

Pumping Oil, Treating Soil
Oil was discovered on hilltop land in Signal Hill, Calif., in 1921, setting off one of the most wild land rushes the state has ever seen. Some 70 years and 20,000 oil wells later, the...

Knowledge Acquisition in Civil Engineering
Expert systems are an intriguing approach for transferring valuable problem-solving skills from the minds of human experts to the logic of computer programs. For the past several years,...

Critical Seismic Excitation for Structures
Critical seismic excitations are defined as stationary random functions with a given variance, which maximize the response variance of a linear structural dynamic system. A method is presented...

On Reliability of Mechanical Logics and Its Application
Recently, most of logical circuits are understood to consist of electrical components and wiring, however, we are still using various types of mechanical logics at the end of the safety-related...

Recent Seismic Risk Studies of Nuclear Power Plants: An Overview
Seismic probabilistic risk assessments (PRA) are conducted to estimate the frequencies of occurrence of severe core damage, serious radiological releases, and consequences in terms of...

A Plant for All Seasons
Collins, Eckley and Detweiler describe a successful energy conservation program at the Willow Lake Wastewater Treatment Plant, Salem, Ore. By funding the $4.59 million project with a combination...

Lining Up Against Oil
Officials of California's Metropolitan Water District were more than slightly concerned when seeping oil showed up in the Newhall Tunnel, the last leg of a project that brings...

One Power Plant, Two Job Sites
In response to the lingering questions about energy, officials from Vidalia, La initiated a plan in 1977 to build a hydroelectric plant at a site 90 mi northwest of Baton Rouge, where...

Reciprocal Recycling
Municipalities are turning their wastes into valuable products through a unique combinations of water reuse and energy recovery. Reclaimed water, the product of the wastewater treatment...

Pilot Bore Pays Off
The primary purpose of tunneling through Cumberland Mountain is to ease the 18,000 vehicle per day traffic through the rugged terrain that was a major transportation route when Daniel...

Case Histories of Sulfide Corrosion
Section 522 of the Water Quality Act of 1987 requires the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to conduct a study of sulfide corrosion and control options in collection and treatment...

Review of PIM (Pipeline Insertion Method) Technology
The U.S. Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratory (USACERL) conducted the first demonstration of PIM (Pipeline Insertion Method, formerly Pipe Insertion Machine) technology for...

Next Stop: The Los Angeles Metro Rail
The Los Angeles Metro Rail is a $6.5 billion light and heavy rail system, which may be entirely completed by the year 2000. A 22 mi segment of the 150 mi light rail system, connecting...





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