Basaltic Volcanic Episodes of the Yucca Mountain Region
The purpose of this paper is to summarize briefly the distribution and geologic characteristics of basaltic volcanism in the Yucca Mountain region during the last 10-12 Ma. This interval...

Volcano-Tectonic Interpretations: An Example from the Northern Basin & Range
Study of volcano-tectonic relationships in the Northern Basin and Range suggests a temporal relationship between basin propagation and the inception of volvanism. The age relationships...

The Area of Most Recent Volcanism Near Yucca Mountain, Nevada: Implications for Volcanic Risk Assessment
The proposed area of most recent volcanism (AMRV) includes all known post-6 Ma volcanic complexes in the Yucca Mountain area and encompasses the four volcanic centers in Crater Flat, the...

Incorporating Seismotectonic Data into Seismic Hazard Analyses
A wide range of seismotectonic data are now being incorporated into probabilistic seismic hazard analyses, supplementing the inadequately short historical seismicity record. This paper...

Kinematic Models of Extensional Structures: Seismic Implications
Kinematic models can relate faults of different types and different positions within a single dynamic system and thereby offer the potential to explain the disparate seismic activity characteristic...

Approach to Developing a Ground-Motion Design Basis for Facilities Important to Safety at Yucca Mountain
The DOE has proposed a methodology for developing a ground-motion design basis for prospective facilities at Yucca Mountain that are important to safety. The methdology utilizes a quasi-deterministic...

Synthesis of Studies for the Potential of Fault Rupture at the Proposed Surface Facilities, Yucca Mountain, Nevada
Published data for the Midway Valley area, the proposed site of the surface facilities of a high-level nuclear waste repository at Yucca Mountain, suggest that recognized regional faults...

Estimating Earthquake Sizes in the Basin and Range Province, Western North America: Perspectives Gained from Historical Earthquakes
Thirty eight historical earthquake from the Basin and Range province were used to examine three aspects of earthquake size and behavior: 1) the maximum background earthquake, 2) earthquake...

Iodine Transport Through the Soil-Plant-Atmosphere Continuum
The environmental assessment of the geological disposal of Canadian nuclear fuel waste involves transport modelling of radionuclides through the biosphere. Iodine-129 is a major fission...

A Preliminary Model for Carbon-14 Transport in a Clay Buffer
A model has been developed to assess the effect of calcite dissolution and precipitation reactions on the transport of 14C through a saturated, calcite-containing...

Natural Radionuclides in Groundwater From J-13 Well at the Nevada Test Site
The concentrations of U-238 and Th-232 chain members are extremely low in J-13 water, suggesting that their concentrations in groundwaters are largely governed by sorption/desorption processes....

Simulation of Reactive Chemical Transport in a Varying Thermal Field with Reaction-Flow Coupling
A computer program, THCVP, simulates coupling between advective/diffusive solute transport and chemical reactions, coupling of the reactions to heat transport, and feedback from precipitation/dissolution...

One-Dimensional Radionuclide Transport Under Time-Varying Conditions
New analytical and numerical solutions are presented for one-dimensional radionuclide transport under time-varying fluid-flow conditions including radioactive decay. The analytical solution...

Simulation of Radionuclide Retardation at Yucca Mountain Using a Stochastic Mineralogical/Geochemical Model
This paper presents preliminary transport calculations for radionuclide movement at Yucca Mountain using preliminary data for retardation parameter distributions based on mineral distributions....

U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission's High-Level Waste Repository Licensing Program and Regulatory Strategy
The U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) High-Level Waste Repository Licensing Program during the pre-licence application phase consists of activities in the following four areas:...

DOE Perspectives on the Regulatory Framework of the Civilian Radioactive Waste Management Program
Key statutes, regulations, and orders that govern the radioactive waste management program are identified. Current and recent regulatory activities are described in the areas of meetings,...

Management of High-Level Wastes in the Republic of China
Because of the importance of nuclear energy in the Republic of China, the management of associated radwastes, especially the high-level wastes (HLW), is indispensable for today's...

Nuclear Fuel Waste Management in Canada?A Regulatory Perspective
This paper briefly identifies the process for development of a high-level radioactive waste repository in Canada, and the regulatory requirements and safety criteria which have been established...

International Safeguards Relevant to Geologic Disposal of High-Level Wastes and Spent Fuels
Spent fuels from once-through fuel cycles placed in underground repositories have the potential to become attractive targets for diversion and/or theft because of their valuable material...

Radioactive Materials Packaging Standards and Regulations?Making Sense of it All
Numerous regulations and standards, both national and international, apply to the packaging and transportation of radioactive material. These are legal and technical prerequisites to practically...





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