A Comparison of Two AI Based Design Systems
Two applications of Civil Engineering based, AI systems are described. Although both systems are intended as design aids they have substantially different structures and methods of achieving...

Artificial Neural Networks and Knowledge-Based Systems: Complementary AI Techniques for Civil Engineering
This paper considers the feasibility of integrating Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) and Knowledge-Based Systems (KBSs) to solve civil engineering problems. KBSs are superior at representing...

Adapting Conceptual Clustering for Preliminary Structural Design
The use of conceptual clustering for knowledge acquisition can facilitate the development of a knowledge base in a domain where little formalized knowledge is really available. The limitations...

Neural Network Learning in Structural Engineering Applications
Neural networks based on the backpropagation learning algorithm have been used in a number of structural engineering applications. The paper classifies the different types of relationships...

Competitive Advantage of Using Computers in Structural Design
More and more structural analysis and design work is done using computers. The trend will continue because the software is becoming more powerful and the cost of computers is falling....

Linking CAD and Expert Systems for Constructibility Reasoning
This paper describes the prototype expert system COKE (Construction Knowledge Expert) that was recently developed at the Center for Integrated Facility Engineering (CIFE) at Stanford University....

Creative Engineering Design Using Analogy
Designs in different domains vary in structure, performance and in many other aspects. However, their design purposes can be achieved in a limited number of ways. In this paper, we classify...

A Shape Annealing Approach to Creative Design of Structures
This paper shows how shape grammars can be used to model structural engineering problems. The shape annealing algorithm is then used to synthesize component topologies by bringing analysis...

Computer-Supported Creative Structural Design
In this paper, a model for creative engineering design using a network-based design prototype representation and a mutation technique is presented. The model distinguishes between a domain-dependent...

Simulative Calculation of Highrise Building Structure Under Vertical Loads
It is well known, the general structural stiffness and the vertical construction loads are formed storey by storey from bottom to top of the building especially for cast R.C. structure....

The Reliability Program in Truncated JC Method
JC method is in common use in the structure reliability analysis. In this paper, the program which can be used as to consider the truncated distribution has been proposed, With this method...

Facilities Management System with CAD and Information Control Tools
This paper concerns the establishment of a facilities management (here after referred to as FM) system using ready-made computer software. In general, most so-called FM systems consist...

Using Product Models to Plan Construction
The conceptual design of the CasePlan case-based planning and scheduling system is presented. Case-based reasoning is a promising technique for capturing the expertise of contractors who...

Pre-Design Planning with Intelligent Project Development Brochure (IPDB) System
The functional design criteria and other technical requirements are to be established during the pre-design planning stage of a project. At this pre-design stage, the formulation of the...

Graph?database of Large Dams in China (GLDC)
GLDC is a software with the dynamic processing and categorizing of the main graphs and data of the large dams in China. It can run by means of screen sidebar menu and in interactive mode...

Evaluating the Use of Smart Card Systems in the Provision of Rural and Small Urban Transit Services
The overall aim of this paper is to provide assistance and direction to persons interested in assessing the use of smart card systems and other advanced public transportation systems (APTS)....

Highway Maintenance and Integrated Management Systems
Maintenance management systems were among the first applications of rational management principles and the (then) the new technology of computers to highway operations. Recent changes...

An Integrated Design/Construction Research Program for Infrastructure Rehabilitation
The quality of America's infrastructure today is barely adequate to fulfill current requirements, and sufficient to meet the demands of future economic growth and development. This serious...

Evaluation of Two Automated Thresholding Techniques for Pavement Images
Thresholding of pavement images is an important step towards the design of an automated pavement crack detection system. However, traditional automated thresholding techniques generally...

Reliability Assessment of Concrete Pavement Sawing
Traditional concrete pavement design sometimes realize on qualitative decision based on experience, with concrete pavement sawing operations representing a specific case in point. presently,...





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