Results from Selected Oil-Spill Response Research
Recent large oil spills from tankers have reaffirmed the need for continuing technology assessment and research to improve oil-spill response capabilities. The Minerals Management Service...

Chemical Treating Agents for Oil Spill Response?Recent Research Results
Laboratory effectiveness tests have been developed for four classes of spill-treating agents; solidifiers, demulsifying agents, surface-washing agents and dispersants. Currently-available...

The Weathering of Spilled Crude Oil in Coastal Water Environment
A research project was conducted at the Technical Research Centre of Finland (VTT) in order to study the long-term behaviour of spilled crude oil in the brackish water under cold and icy...

Chemical Parameters Before a Red Tide Bloom, Gulf of Tehuantepec, Mexico
Gulf of Tehuantepec in the Mexican Pacific is characterized by 'north winds' (Tepehuanos) from October through March. These winds form a upwelling area in front...

Environmental Impact of a Power Plant: A Case From a Coastal Area in Venezuela
These are the results of a eight years study in which the ecological effects of Planta Centro power plant were assessed. Many aspects were included in this study, but we concentrate here...

The Exxon Valdez Oil Spill: Update on Persistence and State of Alaska Activities
The Exxon Valdez incident of 24 March 1989 caused the oiling of over 1,100 miles of Alaskan coastline and over 11,000 square miles of coastal waters. The State responded immediately to...

The 301(h) Waiver & the Clean Water Act in Southern California
Throughout the late 1970's and 1980's Los Angeles City and county governments fought the Clean Water Act from being implemented. An amendment to the Clean Water...

Demonstration of Pesticide Best Management Practices for Controlling Nonpoint Source Pollution in the Monterey Bay Watershed
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has awarded a grant to the Association of Monterey Bay Area Governments for the purpose of conducting a two year demonstration project addressing...

Controlling Nitrogen Loading to Coastal Waters
Of the countless contaminants that reach coastal waters, nitrogen is one of the most problematic and least regulated. There is ample evidence that many coastal embayments are overwhelmed...

Mercury-Contaminated Sludge Treatment by Dredging in Minamata Bay
To eradicate Minamata disease, caused by sewage containing methyl mercury accumulating in fish and shell-fish through the food cycle, a large-scale sediment disposal project was conducted...

Evolution (1980-1990) of Ammonia and Dissolved Oxygen in Guanabara Bay, RJ, Brazil
The UFRJ is located on an island of Guanabara Bay and the Institute of Biology has been developing systematic studies on the bay. A synthesis of these studies and their different methodologies...

Classification Based on Coliform Counts of Coastal Waters in Metropolitan Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Rio de Janeiro is a municipality with approximately 8.7 million inhabitants that produce about 470 tons of sewage per day, of which only 64 receive treatment or are released through a...

Microbial Quality of the Mussel Perna perna (Linne, 1758) Extracted from Guanabara Bay, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Guanabara bay is an estuarine complex in the state of Rio de Janeiro with 12 cities including Rio de Janeiro and Niteroi on its shores. It has a hidrographic basin of 4000 Km2...

Ecological Studies at Espirito Santo Bay?Brazil Zooplankton Communities
Espirito Santo Bay is a coastal-tropical system, with strong water renovation cycle, which in turn adequate conditions to the development of many planktonic species (Bonecker et al., 1989)....

A Comprehensive Project for the Venice Lagoon
The Venice Lagoon is undergoing a severe process of environmental decay, due to increasing pollution from urban, industrial and agricultural sources. A number of projects have been launched,...

California Marine Debris Action Plan
Trash in the oceans and on California's beaches are killing marine wildlife and fouling our beaches. To address this problem in California, the Center for Marine Conservation...

Available Data for Management of the Egyptian Red Sea Coastal Areas
An evaluation of the available data and the existing environmental conditions will help to assess the future potential impacts of oil fields operations, metalliferous muds, phosphate mining...

A Childrens' Oil Spill Preparedness Education Program
Following the Exxon Valdez incident, the Clean Seas oil spill cooperative received numerous requests for additional information on oil spill response procedures from local educational...

Coordinated Management of Coastal Waters in the New York-New Jersey-Connecticut Region
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region II is currently funding three major water quality planning efforts for the coastal waters in the New York-New Jersey-Connecticut region....

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Region IX Near Coastal Waters Program
The Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA's) Near Coastal Water Program began in 1985 when former Administrator Lee Thomas requested the development of the Near...





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