Sediment Transport Due to Channel Flushing
Blocking of rivers and canals by sediment due to landslides or dumping of waste create problems of upstream flooding and drainage. Experiments are carried out in the present study on flushing...

Laboratory Analysis of Hyperconcentrations
The physical and kinematic behavior of hyperconcentrations has been reviewed and a summary of recent and past developments in hyperconcentrated flow research is presented. This paper focuses...

Field Data Collection and Analysis of Hyperconcentrations and Mud Flows
Hyperconcentrated flows and mud flows exhibit properties quite dissimilar from Newtonian fluids. In order to further our understanding of such phenomena, field data have been collected...

Surface Roughness with Erosion of Earth Channels
A determination of the stresses effective in soil detachment is essential in determining erodibility. The soil roughness that exists during testing and in natural channels is a key element...

Intrusion of Turbid Water into a Two-Layer Stratified Environment
The horizontal intrusion of a turbid water with some intermediate density spreading on the interface of a two-layered homogeneous body of water is investigated. The study is directed towards...

Infiltration of Water to the Ground in a Flood-Control Reservoir with Seepage
As storm water management in urban area with increasing amount of runoff, flood-control reservoir with the bed having large permeability to enrich the groundwater is considered. A dynamical...

Boundary Element Methods in Structural Analysis
Tutorial and state-of-art aspects of the Boundary Element Method (BEM) are combined with applications in structural analysis in order to provide information about the advantages of this...

Predicting Human Instability in Flood Flows
The delineation of high flood hazard zones within a flood plain is usually independent of the parameters that constitute a life threatening situation. In order to define human instability...

Peak Outflow From a Breached Embankment Dam
A relation for rapidly predicting the peak outflow rate from a breached embankment dam has been presented. The prediction equation is based on reliable data from 19 embankment dam failures...

A Frictional Resistance Model for the Analysis of Non-Point Source Pollution Processes
This study experimentally investigated the effect of a permeable bed for steady, laminar and smooth turbulent free surface flow on the Darcy-Weisbach friction factor. Flow velocities and...

Interfacial Instability in Highly Stratified Flows
The stability of highly stratified shear flows is dependent on several parameters including the thickness of the interfacial transition layer. Experimental results show that the thickness...

Estuarine Mud Flow Modeling
This paper presents a model for the simulation of selective withdrawal of estuarine mud. This research is part of the investigation of the design of a mud pumping plant as an alternative...

Numerical Model Studies of Wetland Hydraulics for Bolsa Bay, California
The Bolsa Bay area, near Los Angeles, presently consists of three distinct regions separated by two sets of culverts. A development is being considered, in which a balance between housing...

Improved Numerical Analysis of Steady Water Surface Profiles
As well as HEC-2 and similar models serve the profession, problems exist with their application. In general, inflexibility of use and inaccuracies around transitions between subcritical...

Numerical Modeling of Hydraulic Jump
Boussinesq equations describing one-dimensional unsteady, rapidly varied flows are numerically integrated by using a second-order and a fourth-order accurate explicit finite-difference...

General Formulation of Best Hydraulic Channel Section
The best hydraulic channel section is determined by using Lagrange's method of undetermined multipliers. The approach presented is more general & easier to apply than...

The Turbulent Wake of a Recirculating Eddy in Shallow Waters
The wake, created by injecting dye into the recirculating zone of a sudden lateral expansion in a shallow open channel, is examined experimentally for a range of bed-friction influence....

Cellular Automaton Simulation of Viscous Free Surface Fluid Dynamics
It has been demonstrated elsewhere that the simple interaction of a two dimensional field of discrete particles traveling on a regular lattice yields large scale behavior closely approximating...

Performance Characteristics of Compound Weirs
A theory is outlined which helps to explain the flow over compound weir under free overfall conditions. Experiments on twelve weirs of three sets with different dimensions are shown to...

Analysis of Storm Sewers During Surcharge
A mathematical model based on a lumped system approach is presented to simulate unsteady flow in storm sewers during surcharge. The model equations and method of solution are presented....





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