Fiber-Reinforced Concrete Proves Worth for Airport Pavements
Laboratory and field tests indicate that fiber-reinforced concrete has higher flexural and tensile strength, higher impact resistance, and improved resistance to spalling and joint deterioration...

Trouble Shooting ChemicaLly Resistant Masonry
This paper is a series of case histories showing specifically how lack of understanding of the nature of the materials and their proper uses has caused failure in design, specification,...

Emerging High Performance Structural Plastic Technology
Structural plastics have forced their growth by better performance over conventional materials in hostile environments. Demand by industry for increased life of process equipment and structures...

Nuclear Facilities Siting
A review of the status of requirements for the selection of sites for the facilities comprising the nuclear fuel cycle for electric power production is presented. The report includes a...

Selected Papers by Alfred M. Freudenthal
Civil Engineering Classics
Fifty-six papers written by Alfred M. Freudenthal, or co-authored by Prof. Freudenthal, are included. The papers are divided into three areas: structures, theories of mechanical behavior...

Tall Building Systems and Concepts
The structural, mechanical and electrical systems of tall buildings are explored. The eight areas of focus are, structural systems, mechanical and service systems, electrical systems,...

Are American Utilities Sorry they went Nuclear�
The future of nuclear power in the U.S. will be determined in large measure by what the electric utilities decide to do. Very few electric utilities are planning to build more nuclear...

The Structural Fuse: An Inelastic Approach to Earthquake-Resistant Design of Buildings
An alternative to the empirical approach to earthquake-resistant design of buildings is proposed and illustrated with a design example. Instead of strengthening every member to resist...

Will Nuclear Power Survive in New England
Presently, New England is among those U.S. regions most committed to nuclear power, with one-third of its electric power coming from the atom. The most pressing task is for the region...

A Probability-Based Load Criterion for Structural Design
Load factors and load combinations are explored which are compatible with the loads in the proposed 1981 revision of American National Standard A58 (Minimum Design Loads for Buildings...

Industry Challenges EPA on Whether Certain Wastes are Hazardous or Not
Before the U.S. can clean up its hazardous wastes, it must first decide which wastes are hazardous, which not. The case histories presented here show that this decision is not always easy...

Transportation Innovations that Would Banish America's Energy Crisis
Despite the current oil glut, the energy crisis is still very much with us. Within the next few decades, the U.S. will nearly exhaust economically recoverable petroleum. The key to solving...

Seismic Performance of Low Rise Buildings
State-of-the-Art and Research Needs
Papers and panel reports from a workshop on seismic performance of low rise buildings assess the state of the art, identify problem areas, and determine research needs associated with...

Structural Analysis and Design of Nuclear Plant Facilities
A broad engineering design philosophy and summary is presented as a guide for the safe design of nuclear structures. The manual does not aim to provide specific criteria which are detailed...

Why Does the Public Resist High-Voltage Power Lines�
Why, in some instances, has the public reacted so strongly to the erection of high-voltage electric transmission lines (765,000 kV and up) across portions of the United States? Is there...

Electricity from the Sea
In Hawaii, the state, Lockheed Space and Missile Co. and Dillingham Corp. have conceived, designed and built the first prototype ocean thermal energy conversion plant. OTEC uses the 40�F...

Structural Design of Tall Steel Buildings
This is the second in the ASCE five-volume Tall Building series. It is a comprehensive reference record and guide to the design and behavior of tall steel buildings. The volume is divided...

Energy From Space
Patented by Peter Glaser in 1973 the solar power satellite is a concept still mindboggling to some. It is a satellite orbiting 22,300 miles (35,800 km) above earth in geosynchronous orbit....

Redesigning the Auto: A Key to Solving the U.S. Energy
The automobile is a tremendous consumer of energy. The entire transport sector uses 26% of the energy used in the U.S.�� and half the oil. In fact, the American auto alone consumes one-ninth...

U.S. Energy Production�We Must Remove These Roadblocks
A U.S. energy policy statement has been prepared by the Association for the Cooperation in Engineering, which represents 22 engineering societies with memberships totaling 700,000. One...





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