Evolution of Breaking Directional Spectral Waves in the Nearshore Zone
Methods used in parabolic refraction-diffraction models for computing the evolution of monochromatic waves in the nearshore zone are used to construct a model for spectral wave conditions....

The Significance of Hydrodynamic Forces in Coastal Embankment Design
The dynamic forces of sea water and backfill soil acting on coastal embankment are analyzed by using a new finite-difference method. The Euler's equation and continuity equation are used...

ASA.WAVES: An Interactive PC-based Wave Forecasting Tool
An interactive PC-based system for wave refraction-diffraction in coastal regions has been developed, based on a Mild-slope equation finite element wave model. The system includes an embedded...

Joint Probability of Superelevated Water Levels and Wave Heights at Duck, North Carolina
Storm events are typically classified as a percent occurrence or return interval based on their peak storm elevation. The stage is the combination of storm surge, astronomical tide and...

Estimating Laboratory Wave Reflection Using Laser Doppler
Estimates of irregular wave reflection in two-dimensional laboratory wave tanks are typically accomplished using an array of spatially separated wave gauges. This paper presents a frequency...

Observations of Wind Wave Growth by ERS-1 SAR
Spatial variations of ocean waves can be observed from space-borne synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images of ocean surface. For a steady offshore wind, the growth of wind wave from an upwind...

Optical Remote Sensing of Wave Surface Kinematics
The measurement of the directional properties of surface slopes, velocities and accelerations is difficult, even in the laboratory, under conditions of steep, random and short-crested...

Breaking Wave Measurement by a Void Fraction Technique
Breaking of steep surface gravity waves in seas under moderate to strong wind forcing always involves the entrainment of air into the water column below the air-sea interface. As such,...

Case Studies of Extreme Wave Analysis: A Comparative Analysis
Several methods of extremal wave analysis have been applied to two sets of deep water extreme wave data. One set consisted of three-hourly sea-state records collected during a nine year...

Design Waves and Wave Spectra for Engineering Applications
Thirteen years of hourly wave data measured at two of the National Data Buoy Center's (NDBC) buoy stations, one located in the northeastern Pacific and the other located in the northwestern...

Wave Transformation and Load Reduction Using a Small Tandem Reef Breakwater ? Physical Model Tests
The performance of several small reef breakwaters, and a tandem breakwater system (consisting of a reef breakwater positioned upwave from a surface-piercing main breakwater), are quantified...

The Determination of Typhoon Design Wave By Synthetic Probibility Method
In summer and autumn, typhoons always take place in the northwest pacific. in the northern hemisphere, the typhoon is a large, anticlockwise, atmospheric eddy. Due to the strong wind speed,...

Removal Of Chromium From Groundwater Using Permeable Barriers: An Aquifer Simulation Study
Previous efforts to remediate groundwater contaminated by chromium-bearing industrial wastes have involved post-extraction methods, whereby groundwater is pumped to the surface treated...

Operational Interactive Hydrologic Forecasting with the National Weather Service River Forecast System
The National Weather Service River Forecast System (NWSRFS) consists of several major hydrometeorologic subcomponents to model the physics of the flow of water through the hydrologic cycle....

Alameda Creek Water Resources Study
San Francisco Water Department is investigating water management policies for Alameda Creek to enhance both water development and fisheries. Preliminary investigations indicate that an...

Application and Benefits of Aquifer Recharge in Santa Fe, New Mexico
The Sangre de Cristo Water Company (SDCW) operates a water supply and treatment system that serves the City of Santa Fe, New Mexico, Water is supplied to the system by the City Well Field,...

The Effect the Central Utah Project Will Have On Water Conservation in Utah
On October 30, 1992, the U.S. Congress passed the Reclamation Projects Authorization and Adjustments Act of 1992 (Public Law 102-575.) This law included the Central Utah Completion Act...

The Effects of Spatial Resolution in Modeling the North Fork Drainage of the Gunnison River Basin
The U.S. Geological Survey Precipitation-Runoff Modeling System (PRMS) is a modular, distributed-parameter, watershed modeling system developed for use in evaluating the effects of climate...

Using Geographical Information Systems to Manage a Multipurpose Water Project
A Project Management System has been developed to manage resources in a Federal Water Project. The management system utilizes geographic information systems (GIS) technology to efficiently...

Integration of Water Resource Models and GIS for Water Resource Management
As increasing demands are placed on water resources because of population growth and the resulting development, finding increasingly effective tools for management of natural resources...





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