Is An Institute for the Study of High-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Needed in Southern Nevada?
This paper examines key questions about the need for a formal institute that would study storage and disposal concepts for high-level radioactive waste (HLW) in the United States and throughout...

Using QA Classification to Guide Design and Manage Risk
Raytheon Services Nevada has developed a classification process based on probabilistic risk assessment, using accident/impact scenarios for each system classified. Initial classification...

Waste Packager and Areal Power Density Approximator (WPA3) Computer Code
A microcomputer-based computer code called Waste Packager and Areal Power Density (APD) Approximator (WPA3) has been developed to compute waste package inventories and track individual...

Experience in Modeling for Environmental Physics and Biogeochemistry
This report is a short review of the author's personal experience on phys.-math. and system-logical modeling of migration and transport processes (MTP) of radionuclides, trace-elements...

The DOE Waste Acceptance Process for the Vitrified High-Level Waste Form
Borosilicate glass from Defense HLW producers will be emplaced in the civilian radioactive waste repository. Vitrified HLW will be under production before the repository license application...

Yucca Mountain Student Tours: Response, Reactions, and Results
In March of 1991, the Yucca Mountain Site Characterization Project (YMP) began providing monthly tours for the general public to visit the Yucca Mountain site. The goal of these tours...

Procurement Quality Engineering
The 'Procurement Quality Function' is an element of the Body of Knowledge of Quality Engineering, as defined by the American Society for Quality Control (ASQC). This paper describes the...

A Systematic Human Factors Assessment of a Department of Energy Facility
This paper presents the methodology for conducting a systematic human factors assessment of the as-built configuration of buildings at the Rocky Flats Plant (RFP). In support of this effort,...

Tolerance Requirements for Remote Handling at the Hanford Vitrification Project
A new and innovative approach to installation of the many remote nozzles and electrical connectors that must be installed to demanding tolerances has been developed by the architect/engineer...

Urban Water Planning?A Western Nevada Case Study
The result of the increased demands due to population growth in the Reno/Sparks urban area and new uses i.e., environmental and Pyramid Lake related, has created increased competition...

Partnering in Water Resources Planning in Florida
This paper discusses successful partnering efforts by the Corps of Engineers in water resources development in Florida. The partnering involves the Corps, local project sponsors and other...

Wetland Engineering, Design, and Construction: State-of-the-Science and Research Needs
Local, state, and federal agencies, special interest groups, and individual landowners are undertaking wetland construction projects at a feverish pace to mitigate past and anticipated...

Use of Flood Control Features for Environmental Mitigation
The US Army Engineer District, Vicksburg (CELMK), plans to construct up to 167 water control structures, 52 confined disposal facilities, and 47 barrow pits as part of a major flood control...

Innovative Wetland Re-creation in Urban Setting
The project site is a 106 hectare, mixed-used, commercial development east of Tampa, Florida and at the westerly limit of the town of Brandon, Florida. Delaney Creek traverses the site...

Hydro Models and Salmon Recovery in the Northwest
Hydro regulation models provide extensive support for analyzing the efficacy of salmon recovery plans in the Northwest. Power planners developed these computer programs to help plan and...

Columbia River Basin Fish and Wildlife Program Strategy for Salmon
Three species of Snake River salmon have been listed as threatened or endangered under the federal Endangered Species Act. In response, the Northwest Power Planning Council worked with...

Remarks on Computer-Use History in Water Resources
Over the past 50 years, use of electronic computers has radically changed water resources engineering practice. It has enhanced capabilities, reduced costs and improved reliability. It...

An Historical Perspective on Water Resources Education
A professional education in water resources combines courses that apply sound science to meet popular needs with general knowledge on how society uses and views water. The graduate has...

Future Directions in Water Resources Education
Water resources education at the undergraduate level must change to properly prepare professionals for the 21st Century. While few changes are needed in technical content, graduates must...

Evolving Institutions for Managing the ACF Basin
The ACF basin is a case of interstate conflict in resource management. This study looks at the planning underway with regard to mechanisms for managing the basin....





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