Land Reclamation and Drainage Water Reuse
This paper presents a brief overview of two chapters appearing in 'Agricultural Salinity Assessment and Management Manual', K. Tanji, Edit., Irrigation and Drainage...

Irrigation and Drainage Practices
Salinity causes many problems in agriculture, by lowering production or requiring more intensive management on farms, or by degrading off-farm soils and waters. This paper describes causes...

Treatment and Disposal Options
Viable treatment and disposal alternatives which can meet stringent environmental regulations and at affordable cost to the agricultural economy present formidable problems. Treatment...

Chemigation Equipment for Protecting Water Quality
Concerns for protecting groundwater quality have brought forth some strict EPA regulations on equipment required for injecting pesticides into irrigation systems. These chemigation equipment...

Groundwater Loadings of Pesticides From Chemigation: A Gleams Model Simulation
This paper describes how, with slight modifications, the GLEAMS model (Groundwater Loading Effects of Agricultural Management Systems) was used to represent chemigation for herbicides,...

Development and Application of a Model for Urban Use of Reclaimed Water
Water for nonpotable uses can be obtained from lesser-quality sources, and reclaimed water represents a very valuable and relatively unusual source. The planning and design process for...

Attitudes and Health Effects of Water Reuse
This paper is concerned with public attitudes toward water reuse for irrigation and with the consequences of human contact with reclaimed wastewater. Initially, attitudes are considered...

Biological Methods Petroleum Hydrocarbons Cleanup
Cleanup of the ground water and soils from hydrocarbon spills has mainly focused on air stripping and activated carbon for ground-water treatment, and vapor extraction and excavation followed...

Simulating Long-Term Sedimentation Trends on the Lower Mississippi River
A one-dimensional numerical model was used to determine long-term aggradation and degradation trends in the lower Mississippi River. Geometry in the model came from hydrographic surveys....

Settling Basin Model for the Personal Computer
The SETSIZE program, models sediment deposition in a settling basin. The program can be applied to determine the length of time until dredging or cleaning is necessary or solve for an...

Agriculture and Groundwater Quality
Nitrates and pesticides used in agriculture cause groundwater degradation. Agricultural practices in the U.S. will have to be changed to alleviate the health effects of these chemicals....

Climate Change and U.S. Water Resources: Results from a Study by the American Association for Advancement of Science
The time horizon of the changes that might occur is similar to the time required for planning, approval, funding, construction and economic life of such major water facilities as dams,...

Geostatistics in Estimating Chemical Residuals at a Site
Kriging with generalized covariances is used to evaluate the effectiveness of remediation and cleaning of a contaminated site. The goal is to estimate: a) the amount of total volatile...

Jet Injection Model Studies for the City of Los Angeles
The Hypersion Treatment Plant for the City of Los Angeles is currently undergoing an expansion project. A major component of this system is a sludge recycling system. And it is essential...

Far-Field Numerical Model Studies for Boston's New Secondary Treatment Plant Outfall Siting
By the late 1900s, Boston is scheduled to have built a new secondary treatment plant that combines the waste streams from two existing plant, and discharges the resulting liquid effluent...

Hydraulic Design Aspects of the Boston Outfall
The diffuser outfall under design for Boston must have the ability to be purged of seawater upon commissioning or following an accidental flow stoppage. The criteria governing the flushing...

Siting the New Boston Outfall: Near-Field Considerations
This paper describes a procedure applied in near-field considerations for siting the new outfall to serve the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority's (MWRA) proposed regional...

Tailwater Management for Beneficial Uses
Tailwaters can provide significant benefits for recreation, fisheries, assimilative capacity for treated wastewaters, and water supply for municipalities and industries. Development and...

Clay Joints in the Foundation of Dkhila Dam
The stability analysis performed at the beginning of construction, taking into account the shear test results of the foundation claystone showed insufficient safety factors against sliding....

Environmental Engineering
The 1989 Specialty Conference on Environmental Engineering was held in Austin, Texas on July 10-12, 1989 with cooperation from the University of Texas at Austin Civil Engineering Department...





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