Oxygen Transfer in Full Lift Hypolimnetic Aeration Systems
A series of experiments were conducted to examine the effect of diffuser depth, diffuser orifice diameter and separator box surface area on oxygen transfer (mg/L), daily oxygen load (kg...

Hypolimnetic Aeration in Three Swiss Lakes
Eutrophication is quite common in low altitude Swiss lakes. Government agencies have set up phosphorus and oxygen limits for streams and lakes. Aeration equipment has been in use for up...

Sidestream Elevated Pool Aeration Station Design
The Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago (MWRDGC) is constructing a system of five Sidestream Elevated Pool Aeration (SEPA) stations along the 35.8 mile Calumet River,...

Mechanical Aeration System Design for Reservoir Tailwater Enhancement
Low dissolved oxygen (DO) concentrations in tailraces below hydropower facilities has been identified as a problem at some projects during nongeneration periods. One technique which may...

Field Tests on a Bubbleless Membrane Aerator
A novel bubbleless hollow fiber membrane aerator has been developed and tested for the oxygenation of water. In this process pure oxygen is maintained on the inside of a bundle of sealed,...

Experiment on the Efficiency of an Aspirator-Blower Type Aerator
An aspirator-blower type aerator was designed and tested successfully for small lake application. The experiment showed that significant amount of air flow can be generated by the aspirator...

Theoretical Investigation of Oxygenating Bubble Plumes
Rehabilitation of lakes by oxygenation with air or oxygen plumes has been proven to be biologically feasible. Oxygenating plumes are released from areal sources and the gases are absorbed...

Water Surface Flow and Exchange Induced by a Bubble Plume
Aeration is a common method to increase dissolved oxygen in the water of stratified (or non-stratified) lakes. In this method compressed air is injected at some depth, and gas is transferred...

Mercury Behavior in a Wastewater Sludge Incineration Process
The Western Lake Superior Sanitary District (WLSSD) in Duluth, Minnesota utilizes solid waste as fuel to incinerate wastewater treatment sludge, conserving energy resources while reducing...

The Use of a Deep Shaft for the Waste Water Treatment Plant of Orgamol SA
The first version of a new deep aeration system has been built for Orgamol SA, a chemical plant in the Rhone valley, Switzerland. Construction, operation and oxygen transfer mode of the...

Oxygen Mass Transfer to Flowing Ground Water Using Oxygen Microbubbles
Mass balance and transfer of oxygen has been studied from oxygen microbubbles to low dissolved oxygen ground water passing through variously configured pilot scale vertical slice test...

Restructuring of Water Agencies in Salt Lake Valley, Utah
The Salt Lake Valley consists of a metropolitan area with a population of about one million. Wholesale domestic water supply is provided to this area by two main agencies, namely Salt...

Tampa Bay: A Collaborative Approach to Effective Watershed Management
Rapid urbanization in the Tampa Bay watershed continues to challenge Florida's surface water management efforts. Upgrading of all wastewater treatment facilities substantially...

Freezing Out Sludge
Sludge dewatering is one of the most difficult problems in water and wastewater treatment. This has been especially true for treatment plants in cold regions. Drying beds, the most common...

GIS Plans Wastewater Future
When the Public Works Department began phase 3 construction on Albuquerque, N.M.'s current wastewater treatment plant in 1990, it was time to begin thinking about the next...

1991 OCEA Award Nominees
The $1.2 billion I-595/Port Everglades Expressway runs from Port Everglades to I-75, giving traffic a much quicker route from the Miami area to the Gulf Coast. It also links U.S. 1, I-95,...

Seismic Vulnerability Assessment of Seattle Water Department's Water System Facilities
The Seattle Water Department (SWD) service area and watersheds lie in seismic zone 3, in which there is potential for major earthquakes (Richter magnitude 7.5 or greater). The SWD system...

Seismic Vulnerability Analysis and Upgrade of Seattle Metro Wastewater Facilities
The Municipality of Metropolitan Seattle, Metro, provides wholesale wastewater transport and treatment for 30 cities and sewer districts. A Seismic Vulnerability Assessment Worksheet for...

Understanding the Earthquake Environment, Corporate Strategies
Corporations should understand the impact that earthquakes may have on their ability to function. Some earthquake related issues which face a corporation are: earthquake design levels...

Loss and Recovery of Critical Lifelines Following Recent Hurricanes
Hurricanes significantly affect the performance of critical lifelines. An overview of the loss and recovery of power supply, transportation, communication, and water/wastewater systems...





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