Florida's New Toll Facilities Model
Florida's Turnpike provides a system of user-financed limited access toll highways meeting important transportation needs in the State of Florida, while protecting the interests of its...

Impact of Land Use Alternatives on Transportation Demand
This paper documents a study conducted by the Baltimore Regional Council of Governments (Regional Council) for the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). Under this study, alternative...

Using the 1985 HCM, PASSER and TRANSYT in Harmony
Throughout the last decade, the City of DeKalb Engineering Division has embarked on a program to address their highly variable traffic demands with comprehensive signal system projects...

Use of TRAF-NETSIM to Estimate the Traffic Impacts of an Urban-Resort Area Development
Urban-resort areas are concentrated visitor destination districts that are located within or in close proximity to urban areas. The combination of visitor-related and urban activities...

Tennessee's Integrated Rural Transit Microcomputer Software
The Tennessee Department of transportation (TDOT) entered into a research contract with Vanderbilt University and the University of Tennessee to develop an integrated series of programs...

Implementation of a Real-Time, Paratransit Scheduling System at DART
Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART) implemented the GIRO/ACCES paratransit scheduling system for its HandiRides and DARTABOUT paratransit programs. HandiRides serves elderly and disabled...

Evaluation of Freeway Improvement Alternatives Using CORFLO
This paper describes the application of the CORFLO simulation model on a section of the I-70 freeway in Columbus, Ohio. CORFLO is an integrated traffic simulation system for corridors...

The Traffic Operations Control Center Simulator
As a part of a national effort to improve the operatinal efficiency of the highway network, the California Department of Transportation (CALTRANS) is developing and implementing general...

Analysis of Vessel and Vehicle Queues at Moveable Bridges
This paper describes procedures and the analysis developed to evaluate three different replacement options for the existing S.E. 17th Street Causeway moveable bridge which crosses the...

Spreadsheet Pavement Management Systems for Local Roads
Changes in administration and funding levels at the local government level are continuing to illustrate the need for information systems to aid the county engineer or public works director....

A Maintenance Management System for Highways & Urban Streets
This paper describes the establishment of a comprehensive management system for highways and urban streets of Dubai in the United Arab Emirates. In this important United Nations project...

Historical Pavement Management Database Feasibility Study
Technological and operational issues related to implementing a historical database to support the South Dakota Department of Transportation's current and future pavement management activities...

Estimating Load Impacts on Highway Structures Using the National Bridge Inventory Database
The issuance of single and multiple permits to operate vehicles exceeding legal weight limits, along with the policy-level analysis of bridge impacts induced by changes in vehicle size...

Computer Applications on the Central Artery/Tunnel Project
Boston's Central Artery/Tunnel (CA/T) project consists of the reconstruction of a 4.2 mile segment of Interstate Route 93 in downtown Boston, a 3.3 mile extension of Interstate Route 90...

Automation of Design at the New Denver Airport
This paper outlines an innovative approach to automating the roadway design process by linking design and drafting with multiple software programs and taking advantage of the strengths...

Grading Design Using CADD: Denver International Airport Roadways
Using the terminal access roadway site for the new Denver International Airport as an example, this paper outlines a method for automating the preparation of grading plans and computation...

A Two-Way Traffic Feasibility Analysis
This paper presents the findings of a traffic planning feasibility analysis of the expected operational characteristics and traffic impacts related to the proposed conversion of Hennepin...

Methodology for Determining Vehicle Usage and Speeds for Mobile Source Emissions Inventories
This paper was published by the Baltimore Regional Council of Governments to document its work in preparing data from its regional road model for input into a computer emissions inventory...

An Expert System for Stop-Controlled Intersection Design
In 1915, the first stop sign was installed in Detroit, Michigan, but until now, there was still no one coordinated body of knowledge which would dictate design and analysis requirements....

Technical Evaluations Necessary for Determining Site Suitability for a High-Level Waste Repository
Congress, under the Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1982, as amended, has charged the Department of Energy with the responsibility for safely and permanently disposing of high-level radioactive...





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