A Salt Solution for Nuclear Wastes
The Department of Energy's Waste Isolation Pilot Plant in Southeastern New Mexico is the nation's first full-scale facility for disposing of radioactive waste...

Dynamic Tests of LNG Storage Tanks for Earthquake Analysis of Liquid-Tank-Pile-Soil Interaction
This paper presents a field test procedure for determining the dynamic properties of large liquid natural gas (LNG) storage tanks under operating conditions. Two methods of vibratory excitation...

Earthquake Analysis of Liquid Storage Tanks
In the design of modern liquid storage tanks, it is of technical importance to examine their safety against earthquake damage. The methodologies used in design do not account for the major...

Seismic Restraint of Hazardous Process Piping
The lack of appropriate guidelines for the design and installation of hazardous process piping in industrial facilities has created a potentially dangerous situation. Process piping carrying...

Vibrations of Submerged Solids in a Vibrating Container
Dynamic forces on a vibrating submerged solid cylinder in both closed and open-top rectangular containers are evaluated. The submerged cylinder is attached to the base of a dynamically-excited...

Interaction Effects in Vertically Excited Steel Tanks
Following a brief review of the hydrodynamic effects induced by a vertical component of ground shaking in liquid-filled, circular, cylindrical, steel tanks that are rigidly supported at...

Complex Tower Meets Quake Code
A Los Angeles building consists of a triangular 23-story office tower stacked on top of an 11-story rectangular parking garage. The dual-shape is unique in seismically active southern...

The Parking Problem
Corrosion of parking garage decks has become a multi-billion dollar problem, caused primarily by deicing salts that seep into the concrete and attack reinforcing steel. Design and construction...

Berth 5-6 Pavement Performance: Port of Oaklan
In 1978 the Port of Oakland commenced a project to demolish the old Berth 5, 6 & 7 break bulk sheds, portions of the wharves, and the warehouses behind, and to construct container...

Master Plan for Rehabilitation, Modernization and Expansion of the Port of Suez
Rehabilitation and expansion of the Port of Suez, started in 1977, has been an ongoing process for the last eight years and is continuing. As a result of detailed planning of facility...

Financial Analysis of Port Facilities
This paper describes a spreadsheet-based structure for financial analysis of port facilities and services, designed for use as a planning tool by non-specialist port managers. The paper...

Gabon Mineral Port Planning
There has been increasing interest in the use of topping-off and top-loading vessel transport systems to ease the burden of expenditures for deepening harbors to fully load large vessels....

Port Planning after Earthquake Damage
The earthquake of March 1985 affected two important ports in Chile: Valparaiso and San Antonio. While emergency measures succeeded in solving immediate operational problems, there remain...

Terminal 18 Entry Facility?Port of Seattle
This paper presents a successful approach that was used in the planning, design, permit coordination, and expansion of the entry/exit facilities at Terminals 18 and 20 at the Port of Seattle....

Tacoma Terminals Pier Designed for Economy
This pier is a representative and highly refined sample of what is known as the Puget Sound system of construction, an economical system that maintains the durability necessary in the...

Port of Long Beach Supertanker Terminal
The supertanker marine terminal and crude-oil transfer facility at Berth 121 on Pier E in the Port of Long Beach, California is the largest tanker-handling berth on the West Coast. This...

Installation of the Port of Singapore's SPM System
To achieve an increase in refining capacity from 70,000 barrels per day to 170,000 barrels per day, a local oil refining company entered into an agreement with the Port of Singapore Authority...

Trends in Containerships and Their Impact on Terminal Design
A revolution in ocean shipping operations, affecting both landside equipment and cargo handling methods, is underway. In today's container shipping industry, maximum efficiency...

Terminal Development as Affected by New Generation Ships
Howland Hook Marine Terminal, New York, serves to illustrate how an existing terminal, built to the older standards, can be adapted to accommodate these larger ships that not only stretch...

Dual Hoist Container Cranes for Virginia Port Authority
The dual hoist container crane has proven to be substantially more productive than conventional container cranes. Virginia Port Authority has purchased three new dual hoist cranes with...





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