Germany, Belgium and Los Angeles have Mandatory Design Review for Major Structures
The report of the engineering investigation into the causes of the collapse of the Hartford Coliseum space truss cited design deficiencies as the cause of failure. That report also says...
Stability of Structures Under Static and Dynamic Loads
Proceedings of the International Colloqium on Stability of Structures Under Static and Dynamic Loads, held in Washington, D.C., May 17-19, 1977. Sponsored by the National Science Foundation....
Advances in Civil Engineering Through Engineering Mechanics
Proceedings of the Second Annual Engineering Mechanics Division Specialty Conference, held in North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina, May 23-25, 1977. Sponsored by the...
Hydraulic Fill Dams/Earthquake Stability
The 1971 San Fernando earthquake near Los Angeles, Calif., generated concern for the stability of hydraulic fill dams. Two dams located near the fault were damaged severely. The shaking...
Methods of Structural Analysis
Proceedings of the National Structural Engineering Conference, Methods of Structural Analysis, an ASCE Structural Division Specialty Conference held at the University of Wisconsin, Madison,...
Design and Construction of Steel Chimney Liners
This is believed to be the first book to be compiled and published on this subject, even though the steel liner is now the most widely used in fossil-fueled electric generating stations...
Selected Papers By Nathan M. Newmark
Civil Engineering Classics
This publication attempts to include papers that are representative of Nathan M. Newmark's many outstanding contributions to civil engineering and to include his most heavily...
A Comparative Study of Structural Response to Explosion-Induced Ground Motions
The report provides detailed information about the responses of actual structures to loads, both static and dynamics, which can be expected to occur during their service life. The characteristics...
Structural Plastics
Properties and Possibilities
Proceedings of a Symposium at the National Structural Engineering Meeting held in Louisville, Kentucky, 1969. Sponsored by the Committee on Plastics of the Structural Division of the American...
Placement and Improvement of Soil to Support Structures
Proceedings of the conference held in Cambridge, Massachusetts, August 26-28, 1968. Sponsored by the Soil Mechanics and Foundations Division of the American Society of Civil Engineers....
Design of Structures to Resist Nuclear Weapons Effects
This manual,
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