Thermomechanical Damage Due to Hydration in Large Concrete Dams
This paper presents the bases of a thermomechanical model able to describe the main evolution of concrete properties with aging. The model is based on the 'maturity'...

Let the Buyer Beware
As recently as the 1970s, state highway agencies blindly purchased land for projects without much concern for hazardous waste. But that changed in 1980 with Superfund legislation, specifically...

Instrumenting for Eternity (Almost)
Prendergast describes the safety features and instrumentation for a low level radioactive waste disposal facility planned for Illinois. Federal law requires that each state or group of...

This is an overview of civil engineering challenges in the water and wastewater fields by the end of the decade. Experts offer predictions and opinions about drought and the need to conserve...

Industry Faces the Parking Problem
Parking structures are deteriorating; no land is available for new facilities; and employees have no other options for parking. The situation is a serious one, verging on disaster for...

Anchoring a Dam
To comply with Federal Energy Regulatory Commission requirements with regard to stability under a postulated Probable Maximum Flood, an extensive foundation investigation and stability...

Development of Hydraulic Structures
The Bureau of Reclamation was established in 1902. Since that time, Reclamation has constructed more than 220 dams. Each dam, depending on its function, has two or more principal hydraulic...

Setting Sights on Safety
Despite enactment of the Occupational Safety and Health Act 20 years ago, annual construction fatalities still number in the thousands. Various agencies and institutions have their own...

Geosynthetic Shields For Dams
A series of large dams in Europe, waterproofed by geosynthetics, may become U.S. prototypes. In Europe, the faces of more than 30 large dams now contain geotextiles and geomembranes. In...

Truck Involvement in Fatal Urban Road Accidents in Australia
Trucks are over-represented (relative to vehicle numbers and vehicle-kilometers of travel) in fatal accidents. Those most at risk are occupants of other vehicles and pedestrians. Articulated...

Engineering Design Concerns Regarding Steel Fabrication
The precise fabrication of structural steel pieces is an essential part of the process leading to the satisfactory erection and connection of the individual steel elements into the final...

Effective Length Factors for Type-PR Frame Members
The effects of PR-Type connections and loading arrangement on frame stability and the effective length factor of columns are evaluated for portal frames and three-story three-bay frames...

Local Buckling Behavior of Plate Elements
In the elastic post-local buckling range, the stress distribution across the width of compression elements of light gauge steel shapes is nonlinear. For code implementations, these stress...

The Design of Diagonal Cross-Bracing
The results of an analytical and experimental study on the behavior of simple and double diagonal cross-bracings in vertical stiffening trusses and in built-up open web beams are presented...

Unistrut Space Frame Systems and Their Application
A review of the application of latticed structures is presented. The design and construction of space frames is dependent upon the availability of adequate connection systems to realize...

Optimized Wall Thickness of Shells of Revolution
The aim of this paper was to develop a concept for the design of shells of revolution with different Gaussian curvature using a simplified finite element buckling analysis. A cooling tower...

Fatigue and Fracture Evaluation of Riveted Bridge Members
Among the major concerns of bridge engineers today are the fatigue damages that have been accumulated in riveted members and the safety of riveted structures. Many of these structures...

Evaluation and Remediation of Construction Defects in Tilt Wall Panels
Both the surface appearance and structural safety were of concern to the Owner of a five year old warehouse structure that was experiencing delamination of tilt-up wall panels. Delamination...

Equilibrium-Serviceability Design of Hyperstatic P. C. Beams
A practical flexural design procedure for continuous prestressed concrete girders based on simulataneously ensuring specified margins of safety against both limit states of section and...

Issues in the Validation of Probabilistic Methods
Probabilistic models are being used increasingly in safety assessments and regulatory decision-making. There is a need to relate the risks computed using these models to service data in...





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