An Evaluation of the Large Mammal Entry/Escape Steps Coachella Canal In-Place Lining Project
This study evaluated the effectiveness of a new system of large mammal entry/escape steps as part of the environmental investigations for the Coachella Canal In-place Lining Prototype,...

Environmental Aspects of Water Resources Development
Long-term management of resources requires a comprehensive anlysis of the effects that development and management of one resource may be expected to exert upon other resources. However,...

Conceptual Evaluation of Dam Safety by Instrumentation
The criteria governing the design of dams can frequently be imprecise. One of the most practical methods of evaluating dam safety in the dam safety surveillance programs is to check the...

Stabilization of an Alluvial Channel in an Urbanized Area
Grade stabilization structures have been used for many years to control degradation of alluvial stream in the southwest. These structures result in reducing the gradient of the stream...

Effects of Spillway Operation on Cavitation Damage to Hugh Keenleyside Dam Spillway
The Hugh Keenleyside Dam (also known as Arrow Dam) is located on the Columbia River, at the outlet of Lower Arrow Lake, 53 km north of the Canada - U.S.A. border. The project has been...

Minimizing Erosion Damage to Embankments, Spillways, and Channels With Articulated Concrete Block Revetment Systems
The results of a multi-year applied research and testing program, focusing on the hydraulic performance of various types of erosion control products and revetment systems in steep-slope...

Chute Design Using Concrete Building Blocks
Chutes constructed using concrete building blocks for erosion control on ephemeral streams have performed successfully. The chutes consist of a layer of blocks placed on a geotextile over...

CCM Overtopping Protection on Three Parkway Dams
Cellular concrete mat (CCM) overtopping protection systems have been designed for and will be installed on three small embankment dams along the Blue Ridge Parkway. Based on recent field...

Overtopping Protection for Embankment Dams
Modifications that allow safe overtopping during large flood events can be made to existing embankment dams. These modifications are on the leading edge of technology and require special...

A Tale of Two Laboratories
Two unusual research centers are built with the materials that will be studied in them, but the similarities end there. GE Plastics' $10 million Living Environments concept...

OTEC Seawater Pipe Cost Comparisons
Describes a material which can substantially reduce the cost of seawater pipes and two methods for building and deploying such pipes for use in land-based OTEC installations, outfall sewers,...

U.S. Construction Aggregates
Crushed stone and sand and gravel are the two main sources of natural construction aggregates in the United States as well as in the world. At the beginning of the 20th century, the production...

Large Stone Mixes Make a Comeback
Large stone hot mix asphalt common at the turn of the century, is making a comeback in popularity in hot mix asphalt design. Large stone hot asphalt mixtures are being used as a way to...

Bond Strength of Epoxy-Coated Reinforcement to Concrete?An Update
The results of a large-scale study to determine the effect of epoxy coating on bond strength is described. The study addresses the effects of coating thickness, deformation pattern, bar...

Influence of Epoxy Coating on Stress Transfer from Steel to Concrete
To assess the influence of epoxy coating on the bond characteristics of reinforcing bars, a series of tests was conducted to determine differences in stress transfer between coated and...

Evaluation of Bond Performance of Epoxy-Coated Reinforcing Steel Using Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis
The role played by epoxy coatings on the failure of standard beam-end specimens is explored. The specimen consists of a reinforcing bar embedded in concrete. As the bar is loaded, the...

Bond Performance of Reinforcing Bars Embedded in Fiber Reinforced Concrete and Subjected to Monotonic and Cyclic Loads
The primary variables investigated were fiber content and loading history. The reinforcing bar size was ASTM #5. Steel fibers with hooked ends were used with four fiber contents, namely;...

Long-Term Strength Gain or High Strength Concrete as Monitored by Drilled Cores
An evaluation was made of the relationship between standard cylinders, four-inch by eight-inch cylinders, and drilled cores. The evaluation results showed that the strengths obtained from...

Heat Development and In-Situ Strength of Large Diameter Caissons Made with High-Strength Concrete
The test program essentially consisted of casting two prototype caissons using two different high-strength concretes, measuring internal caisson and adjacent soil temperatures, extracting...

Evaluation of Factors Affecting High-Strength Concrete Cores
A number of factors are discussed to explain different effects they have on core strength. These factors should be considered when evaluating cores tested to determine 'true'...





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