The Design of Scour-Safe Bridges
Two new highway systems, the East Papago and the Pima freeways, are currently under design and construction within the Phoenix, Arizona, metropolitan area. Both of these highways will...

Scour Measuring and Monitoring Equipment for Bridges
The National Cooperative Highway Research program (NCHRP), through the Transportation Research Board (TRB) of the National Academy of Sciences, is currently sponsoring a research effort...

Bridge Scour and Stream Instability Countermeasures
Stream instability is characterized by lateral or vertical instability. Such instability has led to the failure of bridges and loss of life. Lateral instability is caused by lateral migration...

Bridge Scour Research Needs
This paper presents a summary of the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) priority research emphasis on bridge scour, sedimentation, and stream stability problems. The most persistent...

TransAct: An Interactive Transient Analysis Program for Pipelines
The program TransAct is designed to analyze a wide range of transient responses that may have been caused by a complex combination of control actions. For example, there may be the simultaneous...

Model Studies on Local Scour
In this investigation, the scaling procedure of a scour model in the laboratory has been indicated. The results have been compared with the prototype data....

Liabilities in Temporary Structures Failures?Representative Case Histories
Eight case studies involving construction accidents caused by failure of temporary structures are presented. These studies illustrate the oftentimes unintended consequence of utilizing...

FHWA'S Bridge Temporary Works Research Program
The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) has developed a research program to address bridge falsework design and construction. This resulted from the collapse of the Route 198 bridge...

Permanent Structure as Part of the Underpinning System for Boston's Central Artery
The Central Artery, a major six lane structural steel viaduct, has been one of Boston's most significant roadways over the past three decades. Increasing congestion, accidents,...

Design and Planning of Structural Steel Roll-In
Innovative construction methods were required to erect structural steel inside a 170 foot long box truss over a railroad. The contractor engineered and executed a unique system to roll...

Composite Twin Tub Bridge Erection Intersection of Interstate I-84 and I-94 in Hartford, Connecticut
Curved bridge erection requires detailed preparation by the contractor, plus a sharing of responsibility and liability between the owner, designer of the new structure and the contractor....

Construction Inspection in South Carolina
The paper will discuss the experience of the South Carolina Department of Transportation in the use of consulting engineering firms on bridge construction projects. A review of the current...

Site Layout: Where Should it Go?
Site layout is mostly treated as a task independent of other resource allocation tasks such as those that are traditionally associated with construction planning and scheduling. Yet, the...

3-D Positioning for Construction Surveying and Automation
Three-dimensional real-time positioning is a critical requirement to allow for improved surveying and autonomous vehicle control. Given such a system and a project data link, multiple...

Rehab Roundup
The concrete exterior of San Franciso's Coit Tower was damaged and the murals were being destroyed by water infiltrating the structure. Interactive Resources, Inc., Point...

Jointless Redecking
If you're redecking a bridge, why not eliminate a major cause of its corrosion at the same time? Why not remove the expansion joints? The Department of Public Works in Steuben...

Update: Bridge Scour
Nearly 500 bridges have failed because of hydraulic conditions�primarily scour�since 1950, but the collapse of the Route 90 bridge over Schoharie Creek in April 1987 focused national attention...

Special Bedrock Conditions in Greater Boston
The Cambridge Argillite, a weakly metamorphosed shale, forms the major portion of the Boston Basin, a structural as well as topographic depression. In the greater Boston area, the argillite...

Foundation Studies in a Fault Zone and a Steep Valley Slope
This paper presents two case histories which illustrate unique problems in defining the character of rock for support of structures. The first case study concerns a conventional building...

Structural Aesthetics
When the design and construction of a building was the responsibility of a single individual, interaction between the aesthetics of architecture and the demands of structure did not exist...





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