Anaerobic Treatment of Phenol: Degradability, Toxicity and Kinetics
Anaerobic biodegradation of phenol was demonstrated at up to 1000 mg/L in batch serum bottle studies and 1900 mg/L in anaerobic filters. In batch serum bottle studies, concentrations of...

A Bench-Scale Study of Wastewater Aquaculture Using the Duckweed
A continuous flow bench scale reactor was used to evaluate nutrient removal and growth characteristics of the duckweed, Lemna minor. Such a system can further an understanding of the treatment...

An Innovative Wastewater Management Program
An innovative wastewater management program is described which has been implemented in Orange County, Florida. The wastewater treatment facility utilizes the Bardenpho advanced biological...

A Physical-Chemical Interpretation of Mean and Extreme Values in Acid Precipitation
A physical-chemical model is used for the interpretation of mean and extreme concentrations in acid precipitation. Chemical concentration frequency distributions tend to be skewed, as...

Sludge Treatment Design Lands Innovative Funding
The design of sludge treatment facilities for the 10 mgd Ithaca, New York, wastewater treatment plant incorporates both proven technology in the form of gravity thickening and anaerobic...

A Survey of Anaerobic Digester Operations
In 1981, the ASCE Task Committee on Anaerobic Digestion conducted a survey of wastewater treatment plants throughout the country regarding the use of anaerobic digestion. The two-part...

Benefits of Particle Size Management for Biological Wastewater Treatment
Particle size distributions in wastewater can be used to monitor and model the transformations that occur during wastewater treatment processes. Typical size distributions of organic contaminants...

Issues and Problems of Coastal Management in Italy
The paper aims to outline present situation and possible future developments especially concentrating on management of beaches and water fronts. Population density had been for many centuries...

Moving Society's Wastes Through the Coastal Zone
This paper considers the use of incinerator ships for the destruction of liquid hazardous waste. Needless to say, such a system requires movement of wastes through the coastal zone. This...

The Maryland Dredge and Fill Permit Process Handbook
The current dredge and fill permit process in Maryland has become a complex procedure involving many agencies from each level of government. The process by which a permit is obtained for...

The Failure of Section 312 of the CZMA
Coastal Zone Management Act, as amended, provides for a continuing evaluation of a state's Coastal Zone Management Program. This paper reviews the history and evolution of...

Coastal Resource Management: The Ecosystem Perspective
A definite need exists to generate coastal management strategies that focus upon integration of the complex interactions between biological, physical, chemical, and geological processes...

A Comprehensive Planning Approach for the Conservation of Coastal Resources at the Local Level
The recent rapid growth of New Hanover County in coastal North Carolina has created the classic dilemma of an environmentally attractive locality attempting to accommodate desirable growth...

Bristol Bay Regional Planning: An Oil Industry Perspective
The Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act (ANILCA) specified the preparation of a Bristol Bay Cooperative Management Plan (BBCMP) - a joint effort of the State of Alaska and...

Geological Processes and Conservation Management Strategies for Barrier Islands of the Virginia Coast Reserve
A barrier island is a sandy deposit that is located immediately offshore and parallels a mainland coast. It is the principal environment of six interactive environments that make up the...

Estuary-Wide Mitigation Options for Port Development in Tampa Bay, Florida
The need for a regional strategy to address the environmental problems resulting from port development in Tampa Bay was recognized as important for the improvement and protection of the...

Remote Sensing of Mangrove Areas on the Brazilian Coast
Remote sensing techniques are compared when applied on the survey of mangrove areas. The use of LANDSAT MSS scenes from channels 5 and 7, processed by interactive analyzer, allowed the...

Oil Platforms as Reefs: Oil and Fish CAN Mix
Offshore oil and gas production platforms function as excellent artificial reefs, providing a hard substrate for corals, bivalves and other sessile animals, as well as food and shelter...

Geomorphic Processes and Stability of Coastal Wetlands
Theoretical stability analyses of coastal wetland systems typically show that the key determinant of stability is the rate of operation of geomorphic processes. This implies that if the...

State/Local Collaboration for Richardson Bay
Management plans for unique and irreplaceable coastal resources are now common in coastal planning. However, plan and program implementation are still rarely achieved. All too often plans...





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