Water Pricing Policy in the United States: Task Committee Report
The nation's water pricing systems are discussed in the categories of general issues, Federal Government water, public and private utilities, agricultural waterand water transfers....
The Total System Solution
Most pipeline reconstruction programs carried out to date have been crisis driven or reactive instead of system wide approaches to problem solving. Two tools have been devised to change...
When Sewer Rehab Doesn't Stop Basement Flooding
The western half of Wilmette, Illinois, is served by separate sanitary sewers. Constructed in the late 1920's, this separate sewer system was among the first installed in northeastern...
CSO Rehabilitation Strategies for Urban Areas
The USEPA national strategy for reduction of combined sewer overflows places high priority on maximizing the amount of combined wastewater that is captured and treated in the existing...
Reservoir System Reliability Constrained by Natural Salt Pollution
A generalized reservoir system simulation model, which incorporates salinity considerations, has been developed and is presently being applied to a system of 12 reservoirs in the Brazos...
Development of a Phase I Prescriptive Reservoir Model
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Hydrologic Engineering Center (HEC) has recently developed a Phase I generalized prescriptive reservoir model referred to as HEC-PRM. The purpose of the...
Managing Existing Reservoirs to Meet New Challenges
The current planning and management environment for many reservoirs differs significantly from the situation which existed when the projects were initially planned and constructed. Yet,...
Reliability of Operating Rules with or without Uncertain Forecasts
In this study the reliability indices are calculated for operating policies generated by three Stochastic Dynamic optimization models: a classical Stochastic Dynamic Programming (SDP);...
Urban Infrastructure: Our Crumbling POTW's
There is a need to address the problem of deferred maintenance at public owned treatment works. While specific data regarding the nations deferred maintenance bill is not available, we...
Probability of Bridge Failure Due to Pier Scour
Methods have been presented for computing the probability of bridge failure due to pier scour either using a maximum scour depth model or a time-dependent model. The probability of failure...
The Challenge of Kissimmee River Restoration
Between 1962 and 1971, the Kissimmee River in central Florida was channelized by the Corps of Engineers as part of a flood control project. Channelization has resulted in degradation of...
Funding of Wastewater Reuse Systems Under the Federal Small Reclamation Projects Act
The Small Reclamation Projects Act (SRPA) and its amendments were enacted to encourage State and local participation with the Federal government in water resources development. A key element...
Proposed Development of South Central Florida Hydrologic Ecosystem Model
The Corps of Engineers has been authorized to develop and operate a simulation model of the hydrologic ecosystem of central and south Florida. This ecosystem is fragile and complex, and...
Usefulness of Low-Cost Watershed Monitoring: A Case Study
A one-year monitoring study was conducted for Harford County, Maryland to identify water quality problems and sources in the 98 mi2 Bush River watershed....
Delaware Estuary Nonpoint Source Control Program
Preparation of the Delaware Estuary Management Plan, sponsored by the EPA and the three states of New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Delaware, is part of the national estuaries program. As part...
Water Management as an Instrument for Cooperation and Reconciliation
Empirical models for identifying potential water quantity and water quality conflicts in water resources development are presented. These planning models are applied to a previously developed...
The Importance of Verified Simulation Model in a Sewerage Rehabilitation Program
In the past as structural, water quality and flooding problems occurred in a sewer system they were dealt with by crisis management. A better approach is now available using the latest...
Planning, Assessing and Implementing Pipeline Rehabilitation Options
The methods of investigation for determining pipeline rehabilitation options for design and construction are directed chiefly toward: a) cost minimization of necessary rehabilitation projects;...
Design Criteria and Specifications for Pipeline Rehabilitation Projects
Pipeline rehabilitation, while not a completely new technology, is nevertheless a fairly recent development, just now coming to the forefront as to common usage. It is not however a fail-safe...
A Chance Constrained Optimization Model Using Kinematic Wave Routing for Stormwater Infrastructure Rehabilitation
A chance constrained optimization model is presented to determine efficient long-term replacement strategies for segments of stormwater drainage systems. The model is multiobjective in...
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