Two-Dimensional Hydraulic Analysis of the Owensboro Bridge and Approaches
The Kentucky Transportation Cabinet, Department of Highways, is working with the Indiana Department of Transportation and the Federal Highway Administration to plan, design, and construct...

Dry Creek Watershed Flood Control Plan: A Case Study
This paper describes the development of the Dry Creek Watershed Flood Control Plan. This study was conducted to quantify the extent of the existing and future (buildout) drainage problems...

Interfacing with the Public on Water-Related Issues?What TVA is Doing
Management of the water resources of the Tennessee River Basin has been a primary responsibility of the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) since its creation almost 60 years ago. In the...

Extended Experience with a Short-Term Hydropower Scheduling Model in New England
The New England Power Exchange (NEPEX) is responsible for the central dispatch of power throughout New England. To assure the maximum benefits of power pooling, the electric facilities...

Optimization Model for Operation of Recharge Basins
A mathematical model is developed for the optimal operation of recharge basins, which is a non-linear optimization problem. The objective of the model is to determine the operation that...

Water Supply Operations During Drought
During years when water supply may not be adequate to cover water demands, water supply decision maker or managers need to decide how to spread projected shortages through the anticipated...

Planning and Operation of a Multi-Reservoir Water Distribution System
A water supply distribution system planning model (DSPM) is developed using a directed graph algorithm as its pre- and post-processors and a linear programming (LP) procedure as an `intelligent'...

The 1991 Revolution in Water Management
A revolution in water management took place in California in 1991, the fifth consecutive year of drought. Deliveries from California's major water projects in 1991 were reduced 70 to 100...

Water Availability and Water Demand Study for the Citanduy River Basin, West and Central Java, Indonesia
This paper will discuss the water availability and water demands in the Citanduy River Basin located in West and Central Java, Indonesia. A program of development of water and other natural...

Alternative Methods of Drainage Management in San Joaquin Valley, California
The subsurface drainage and drainage-related problems in the San Joaquin Valley cost millions of dollars to the State and local economy every year. A number of actions have been proposed...

Computer Modeling Responsibilities for Municipalities
Municipal organizations are often faced with a complex set of water resource problems which can best be analyzed through the use of computer models. The development of such models can...

Engineering Aspects of Wetland Design
Successful wetland enhancement, restoration, or creation projects require integration of desired wetland functions, local hydrologic and soil conditions, and biological requirements into...

Bodkin Island Wetland Restoration Project Design
Bodkin Island in the Chesapeake Bay will be increased by 2 hectares through placement of dredged material to create nesting and brood habitat for black ducks. The enlarged island will...

Savannah International Airport Environmentally Minded Stormwater Master Planning
The proposed Savannah International Airport expansion required a coordinated effort between engineers and environmental scientists to develop a stormwater management plan which would utilize...

Habitat Simulation in United States, Britain, and France
The need to identify an instream flow requirement for water resources management exists in a number of countries. The use of habitat simulation in the United States, Great Britain, and...

Is An Instream Flow Need a Beneficial Use?
Western water law requires a use of water be a beneficial use of water and must be in the public interest. Instream use of water is a use that the public has decided is a use in the public...

Are High and Low Flow Habitat Values Really the Same?
The Instream Flow Incremental Methodology calculates physical habitat as a weighted sum. Suitability of use information for each modeled species and life stage are used to weight each...

Hydropower, Water Quality and Waste Discharge
Development of multiple hydroelectric projects on large river systems can result in potential reductions in dissolved oxygen (DO) concentrations. Municipalities along the Ohio River basin...

A Frequency Surface for Rainfall Intensity and Duration
A technique for developing rainfall intensity-duration-frequency surface is presented. With the aid of the Box-Cox power transformation raw data is transformed into a jointly near normally...

Three Dimensional Modeling of Watershed Hydrology
A three dimensional finite element numerical model is developed for the first order watershed hydrology using 8-noded isoparametric brick elements. The 3-D subsurface flow in a hillslope...





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