Automation of Design at the New Denver Airport
This paper outlines an innovative approach to automating the roadway design process by linking design and drafting with multiple software programs and taking advantage of the strengths...

Grading Design Using CADD: Denver International Airport Roadways
Using the terminal access roadway site for the new Denver International Airport as an example, this paper outlines a method for automating the preparation of grading plans and computation...

A Two-Way Traffic Feasibility Analysis
This paper presents the findings of a traffic planning feasibility analysis of the expected operational characteristics and traffic impacts related to the proposed conversion of Hennepin...

Methodology for Determining Vehicle Usage and Speeds for Mobile Source Emissions Inventories
This paper was published by the Baltimore Regional Council of Governments to document its work in preparing data from its regional road model for input into a computer emissions inventory...

An Expert System for Stop-Controlled Intersection Design
In 1915, the first stop sign was installed in Detroit, Michigan, but until now, there was still no one coordinated body of knowledge which would dictate design and analysis requirements....

Technical Evaluations Necessary for Determining Site Suitability for a High-Level Waste Repository
Congress, under the Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1982, as amended, has charged the Department of Energy with the responsibility for safely and permanently disposing of high-level radioactive...

Tectonic Characterization of a Potential High-Level Nuclear Waste Repository at Yucca Mountain, Nevada
Tectonic characterization of a potential high-level nuclear waste repository at Yucca Mountain, Nevada, is needed to assess seismic and possible volcanic hazards that could affect the...

Geometric Models of Faulting at Yucca Mountain
Yucca Mountain, Nevada, is currently being studied as a potential site for a geologic repository of high-level radioactive waste. Alternative conceptual tectonic models are expected to...

Preliminary Report: The Little Skull Mountain Earthquake, June 29, 1992
The Little Skull Mountain earthquake occurred about 20 km from the potential high level nuclear repository at Yucca Mountain. The magnitude was 5.6, and the focal mechanism indicates normal...

Current Plans to Characterize the Design Basis Ground Motion at the Yucca Mountain, Nevada Site
A site at Yucca Mountain Nevada is currently being studied to assess its suitability as a potential host site for the nation's first commercial high level waste repository. The DOE has...

Estimation of Near-Regional Seismic Ground Motion from Underground Nuclear Explosion Tests
A problem unique to the location of a nuclear waste repository adjacent to the Nevada Test Site is the assessment of seismic ground motion from potential underground nuclear explosion...

Optimal Cost Basis for Seismic Design
The paper summarizes a methodology for establishing seismic design levels based on a cost-benefit assessment. The methodology requires the development of costs and benefits for varying...

Geotechnical Instrumentation for Repository Shafts
The United States Congress passed the Nuclear Waste Policy Act in 1980, which required that three distinctly different geologic media be investigated as potential candidate sites for the...

Seismic Performance and Retrofit of the Golden Gate Bridge
The Golden Gate Bridge has served for over fifty years as a vital transportation link connecting San Francisco with the area to the north. The Bridge is owned, operated, and maintained...

Response of Isolated Structures to Recent California Earthquakes
A significant amount of research and development, shake table testing computer modelling and real world applications have been performed with the seismic isolation design concept in the...

Evaluation of US Seismic Code Provisions for Asymmetric-Plan Systems
The effects of plan asymmetry on the earthquake response of code-designed, one-story systems are identified with the objective of evaluating how well these effects are represented by torsional...

Three-Dimensional Simulations of Ground Motions in Sedimentary Basins
This report describes work being done at the U.S. Geological Survey on 3-D simulations of earthquake ground motions in sedimentary basins. The ultimate goal of this research is to predict...

GIS Mapping of Earthquake Ground Shaking in San Francisco, California
Severe earthquakes of the last decade in Mexico, Armenia, and the United States have reemphasized the importance of local geologic site conditions in estimating damage and consequent losses....

Seismic Condition Assessment of the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge
The project summarized here was initiated at the University of California at Berkeley to study seismic behavior of the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge and to develop recommendations for...

Code Provisions for Unreinforced Masonry Bearing Wall Buildings in California
Prior to the Long Beach earthquake of 1933, unreinforced masonry (URM) construction was usual in California, as it still is in many areas of the United States. The poor performance of...





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