Location and Development of Safety Projects
Projects to be considered for inclusion in the Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) must be part of a prioritized listing in which each project is based on accident experience or...

Evaluation?A Key to Safer Design Standards
Public highways are designed and constructed in accordance with established standards which have been developed over the years as a result of research studies or developed by committees...

Back on a Full Speed Track
A $30 million rehabilitation project is transforming a Massachusetts rail line that shows its age and poor maintenance history. Rehabilitating the line from Bristol County, Mass. to Hyannis...

Explosion Hazards to Urban Structures
Manufacture, storage and transportation of chemicals capable of exploding at energy levels comparable to TNT has increased in recent years. Land areas adjoining such facilities and transportation...

Port Master Plans and Feasibility Studies
Port projects are cost-intensive long-life irreversible assets, and developing countries particularly limping with resource constraints could not afford the luxury of short-sighted defective...

Soil Quality Testing in Ports: Why?
The Port of Seattle has instituted an agency-wide environmental protection guidelines which include the option to prepare site histories and perform chemical screening of soils prior to...

The Application of Computer Simulation in the Design of Marine Terminals and the Scheduling of Ship Traffic
This paper describes a software package which simulates the operations of marine terminals. The computer programs were designed to assess the effectiveness of the available design alternatives...

Modern Inspection Techniques n Port Maintenance
This paper addresses inspection of underwater structure of port facilities to acquire information which, when subjected to engineering analysis and confirmation, allows planning of short...

Rehabilitation of Wharf No. 8?Port of Houston
A routine inspection of wharves at the Turning Basin Terminal, uncovered evidence of extensive damage, including evidence that the 30-inch diameter steel pipe piles supporting Wharf No....

Effectiveness of Highway Safety Improvements
This book contains the thirty papers presented at the third Highway Safety Specialty Conference sponsored by the Committee on Traffic and Safety of the Highway Division of the American...

CAD Mapping Trailblazer
Until three years ago, few civil/surveying firms had automated both surveying (including digital recording of angles and distances shot in the field) and the related design and drafting....

Rehabilitation of Blackfoot Dam In-Situ Testing and Analysis
The dam was constructed in 1909 and was recently found to require rehabilitation to enlarge the spillway and improve embankment stability against the large earthquake potential in the...

On the Ship's Waterways Passing Through Bridges
This paper reports on a study of bridge openings that serve as waterways, in view of the analysis of ship collision accidents. For the purpose of this study, cases of ship collision accidents...

Central Arizona Project Startup
The Central Arizona Project is a water conveyance scheme, lifting and conveying Colorado River water from Lake Havasu on the Colorado River 190 miles to Phoenix and another 150 miles to...

Stormwater Management in Kansas
This paper evaluates the current stormwater management practices of Kansas cities. This evaluation is based on a survey of all Kansas cities with populations over 10,000. Issues examined...

Rehabbing under Traffic
Redecking the Golden Gate Bridge with a light weight orthotropic steel plate deck left the 49 year old monument 11,000 tons lighter, 2 feet wider, and ready to carry traffic for the next...

Microtunneling: No Pipe Dream
Microtunneling machines developed in Japan and Germany can help install pipes, ducts and cables without disrupting urban activities at street level. A microtunnel is defined as having...

Methods for Real-Time Control of Highway Traffic
The paper describes the development of computational strategies for demand-responsive decentralized traffic signal control. First, a Dynamic Programming procedure is developed which serves...

Building a Bridge Within a Bridge
The City of Grand Rapids had to replace an aging bridge connecting vital commercial centers on opposite sides of Michigan's Grand River. The city's consultants...

DAST100: A Powerful Structural Analysis Program for Micro-Computers
The advent of micro-processor revolution encouraged the growth of powerful large size programs for micro-computers during the last few years. Purpose of this paper is to introduce one...





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