An Overview of Computer Stream Sedimentation Models
This paper discuss some of the author's experience in computer modeling of stream sedimentation problems. Comparisons of twelve selected models developed and implemented in...

Areal Sampling Techniques
Three areal methods, commonly used for sampling the coarser surface layer of gravel-bed streams, are examined. An idealized sediment deposit, that consists of cubic particles and accounts...

Sediment Transport in Hyperconcentrated Flows in Sand-Bed Streams
This study advances the understanding of sediment transport of bed material discharge in sand bed streams through application of recently developed theoretical concepts related to the...

Estimating Velocity and Scour in River Bends
A one-dimensional, steady-state, stream tube model was used to simulate hydraulic characteristics at a cross section. This enabled computation of higher velocities on the outside and lower...

The Area of Scour Hole Around Bridge Piers
The study is focused on what parameters determine the area of scour hole around bridge piers. An analytical study based on momentum principle has been used to reveal the variables involved...

Field Measurement of Topography at a River Mouth
The authors have been measuring topography and cross section at the river mouth of the Nanakita River, in Japan. Changes of short-time scale, such as straightening of the river channel...

Flow Modeling in the Toutle River, Washington
In support of flow, suspended load, bed load, and bedform transport measurements, a quasi-three-dimensional river flow model was adapted to a reach extending from 260m upstream to 30m...

Limitations of Modeling High Concentration Streams
Following the 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens, high sediment concentrations caused rapid deposition and increased flood hazards along the Cowlitz River. The Corps of Engineers developed...

Selective Erosion: A Key Problem in Numerical Modelling of River-bed Changes
In capacity-controlled sediment transport of alluvial rivers the so-called 'hiding factor' determines the stability of the various grain-size fractions. The paper...

Relationship Between Channel Migration and Radius of Curvature on the Red River
The system behavior of meanders was investigated on the Red River between Shreveport, LA, and Index, AR. The effects of plan form geometry (r/w) and erodibility of bank material on the...

Goodwin Creek Channel Morphology and Stability
Selected cross sections along Goodwin Creek channel, northern Mississippi, have been surveyed a total of twenty-one times since 1977 to document channel adjustments. Initial results of...

Simulating Long-Term Sedimentation Trends on the Lower Mississippi River
A one-dimensional numerical model was used to determine long-term aggradation and degradation trends in the lower Mississippi River. Geometry in the model came from hydrographic surveys....

On the Selection of Sediment Transport Equations
Certain aspects of the selection of equations to use in the calculation of sediment transport in streams are examined in this paper. The use of a critical discharge is examined and problems...

Low-Waterway and Bank Erosion in a River With Alternating Bars Bed
In a river with alternating bars bed, the banks are often subjected to erosion due to the convergent flow resulted from the bed geometry, even in a straight channel. It is known empirically...

Stream Bank Erosion and Bed Evolution Model
The graded sediment routing and stream bed evolution model of D.K. Borah, C.V. Alonso and S.N. Prasad is expanded by combining with a riverbank erosion model developed by Osman and Thorne....

Sediment Transport Due to Channel Flushing
Blocking of rivers and canals by sediment due to landslides or dumping of waste create problems of upstream flooding and drainage. Experiments are carried out in the present study on flushing...

River Training Works in Gezhouba Project on the Yangtze
A great number of research results of the river regime planning and river training work in Gezhouba Project on the Yangtze are described together with their application in the Project....

On Sediment Transport Modeling
Basic elements of a comprehensive water-sediment model are hydraulic, sediment, and morphologic computations. The stream tube approach and minimum energy dissipation rate theories are...

Total Sediment Load Calculations for Goodwin Creek
Total sediment transport load of Goodwin Creek was calculated for the period from 10/1/84 to 9/30/88 using transport relations derived from sample data for the fines (< 0.06 mm),...

Soil Erosion, Sediment Yield, and Deposition in the Illinois River Basin
The amount of soil erosion of the Illinois River Basin was estimated by using the 1982 National Resources Inventory (NRI) and the Illinois Geographic Information System (GIS). The sediment...





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