Dolores Pumped-Storage Unit?A Case Study in Planning
The Durango Projects Office of the U. S. Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) conducted a pumped-storage investigation from 1981 to 1983 on a site in southwestern Colorado. This paper describes...

Mt. Elbert Pumped-Storage Powerplant
This paper describes the principal design features, construction, and operation of Mt. Elbert Pumped-Storage Powerplant. Mt. Elbert is the Bureau of Reclamation's first and...

Unique Civil Engineering Features of the Balsam Meadow Pumped-Storage Project
The Balsam Meadow Pumped-Storage Project for the Southern California Edison Company is located in the Sierra Nevada Mountains approximately 55 miles northeast of Fresno, California. The...

The Bath County Pumped Storage Project
Virginia Power and the Allegheny Power System will introduce an important new peaking power service in late 1985, when the first unit of the Bath County Pumped Storage Station becomes...

Genesis of a Federal/Non-Federal Planning Study
This paper presents the course of action the Bureau of Reclamation undertook to develop an appropriate joint Federal/non-Federal planning process for a major pumped storage project. It...

Phased Pumped Storage Planning and Site Evaluation
A phase process of site evaluation provides for an efficient use of resources while supporting the necessary level of detailed investigation. This paper describes the phased siting process...

Observations and Experiences of Bulb Turbines
This article gives a short historical review of the introduction, construction and development of bulb turbine plants in Sweden. The article relates some of the experiences of the designers,...

Hoover Dam Earthquakes Reconsidered
In 1936 and 1937 as the water rose behind Hoover Dam, earthquakes were felt in the Boulder City area and as far away as Las Vegas. Interest in induced seismicity was renewed in 1967 with...

Rehabilitation of a Pump/Turbine
Between 1964 and 1968, eight 212 in pump discharge diameter Baldwin-Lima-Hamilton vertical pump/turbines with Westinghouse motor/generators were installed in Philadelphia Electric Company's...

Resolving Environmental Conflicts During Licensing?A Case History
Vischer Ferry and Crescent Dams are located on the lower Mohawk River near Albany, NY. In September 1982, the Power Authority of the State of New York filed license applications with the...

Design and Construction of Paute Project, Ecuador
The Paute Project is a key element in Ecuador's program for developing a modern electric power system. When fully developed, it will consist of three separate developments:...

Independent Review of Truman Dam Operation
The Truman Dam in Missouri was constructed by the Army Corps of Engineers in 1979 as a pumped-storage facility. Due to fishkill and other controversies, the pumpback feature of the project...

Developing a Community Water System for Shishmaref, Alaska
This paper discusses a unique water supply system for the City of Shishmaref, a moderately sized Alaska Native community on Sarichef Island in the Chukchi Sea. A three million gallon reservoir...

Predictions of Thermally Induced Stresses in Thin Walled Grain Storage Bins Under Declining Ambient Temperatures
A generalized constitutive equation for cohesionless sands based on elasto-plastic theories is applied to a grain bin system. The validity of the theory is established through the finite...

Turnaround in Houston
Simply implementing the suggestions of the workers building a 14-story garage in Houston, turned a disaster in the making into a project ahead of schedule and under budget. The work force...

Demands and Means for Construction Innovation
Increasing complexity of the facilities owners need, increasing concern by owners regarding the cost effectiveness of investments in constructed facilities, and growing capability and...

Seismic Resistance of an Elevated Water Tank?A Case Study
Current knowledge of earthquake risk and structural response has raised concern about the safety of elevated water storage tanks which were constructed several decades ago. This paper...

Seismic Risk Analysis of LNG Storage Tanks
This paper presents an approach to the seismic safety review of existing LNG storage tanks. The approach considers the seismic hazards from ground motion, surface fault rupture, and soil...

Future Containerships from a Ship Owner's Viewpoint
This paper is a presentation of the author's projection of size and design constraints of future containerships. There is a discussion of containers and on-deck container...

Engineering Implications of Impoundment of the Indus River by an Earthquake-Induced Landslide
Historical records and physical evidence indicate that in the Himalayas of northern Pakistan a huge landslide dam was caused by an earthquake in 1840. The dam blocked the Indus River,...





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