Development of an Expert System for Estimating Stream Reaeration Rates
This paper describes a data base of measured reaeration coefficients organized to assist users with estimating coefficients for rivers and streams with hydraulic characteristics similar...

Carbon Dioxide Pressure in Surface Waters of Canadian Lakes
Direct measurements of the partial pressure (pCO2) of carbon dioxide were made in lakes of three study areas: ELA (the Experimental Lakes Area) and...

A Simple Empirical Model of Aeration at Navigation Dams
In a study of aeration at 28 dams in the upper Ohio River basin, site-specific least-squares linear regression models were used to describe the dissolved oxygen deficit below each dam...

Mechanical Aeration System Design for Reservoir Tailwater Enhancement
Low dissolved oxygen (DO) concentrations in tailraces below hydropower facilities has been identified as a problem at some projects during nongeneration periods. One technique which may...

Determination of Vertical Leakage for Nile Valley
The determination of vertical groundwater leakage is particularly important for irrigated agriculture where adequate drainage is required to prevent high water tables and related problems...

Conflict in Water Management of James River, ND
Delivery of water from storage in Jamestown Reservoir to 898 acres of newly developed irrigation along the lower James River by the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation during the drought of 1988...

Yampa River Basin Alternatives Feasibility Study an Example of Conflict Resolution in Water Supply Development
The Yampa River, located in northwest Colorado, is a major tributary of the Green River segment of the Colorado River system. Potential water resource development in the Yampa River Basin...

Yazoo River Basin a New Direction for the Corps
The paper presents the lessons learned from the past events in the Yazoo Basin. The Yazoo Basin project is the only mechanism available that can provide the flood control that is needed...

The Carson and Truckee Rivers Lifeline in the Desert
Nevada is the most arid state in the nation with an average annual precipitation of less than 9 inches (23 cm) over the 110,500 square miles (286,200 sq km). The Truckee, Carson, and Walker...

A Decade of Recovery
The Outstanding Civil Engineering Achievement Award for 1991 went not to a single project, but to an entire decade's effort by the Portland (Ore.) District of the U.S. Army...

Seismic Hazard Along a Crude Oil Pipeline in the Event of an 1811-1812 Type New Madrid Earthquake
This paper presents an assessment of the seismic hazard that exists along a major crude oil pipeline (pipeline 22). An 1811-1812 type New Madrid earthquake with moment magnitude 8.2 is...

Investigating Fault Rupture Hazards: An Example from the Wasatch Fault Zone, Utah
The Kern River project consists of a 36-inch diameter high-pressure natural gas pipeline, to be constructed from southwestern Wyoming to southern California. The alignment crosses several...

Liquefaction Hazard Analysis for Design of the Kern River Pipeline at the Muddy River Crossing, Southern Nevada
The 91.4-cm (36-in.) diameter Kern River natural gas transmission pipeline will cross the Muddy River in Moapa Valley, about 5 km west of Glendale, Nevada, in an area of relatively low...

Philosophy for Treatment of High-Pressure Natural Gas Pipelines at Active Fault Crossings
Natural gas from fields in the overthrust belt of southwest Wyoming will be collected and transported to Southern California. The proposed Kern River Pipeline will transport gas to Daggett,...

Simplified Tidal-Flushing Model for Small Marinas
This paper describes the development and application of a new water quality screening model - STEAM (Simplified Tidal Embayment Assessment Model). This model simulates the first-order...

Marinas and Waterfront Redevelopment, Brisbane
This paper describes a selection of marina projects which are being developed at locations of abandoned commercial wharves in the Brisbane River, and the impact of this transformation...

Riverbank Renewal
In Providence, project teams from the public and private sector worked side-by-side, rerouting two rivers and constructing a new corporate headquarters. What made the task more challenging...

Air-Water Mass Transfer
This monograph, Air-Water Mass Transfer: Selected Papers from the Second International Symposium on Gas Transfer at Water Surfaces, consists of papers presented at the Symposium which...

Calendar: Bridges 1992
Featured bridges are: Fifficktown Bridge (PA); Crooked River (High) Bridge (OR); High Bridge (KY); Fort Benton Bridge (MT); Linden Street Bridge (MA); Rogue River (Caveman) Bridge (OR);...

Pipeline Field Experiment at Parkfield, CA
A field experiment designed to investigate the performance of buried pipelines at a fault crossing has been constructed near Parkfield, CA. The site was chosen to capitalize on the predicted...





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