Preliminary Investigation into Using Oxidation-Reduction Potential (ORP) for Real-Time Control of Aerobic-Anoxic Sludge Digesters
This research explores the use of Oxidation-Reduction Potential (ORP) to control an Aerobic-Anoxic Sludge Digestion Process. It compares a Fixed-Time Control reactor (3 hours of air on/3...

Composting, Past, Present and Future
Over the past ten years, the composting process has taken on a different look as a method of processing municipal sludge. Today it is one of the most popular and prevalent methods of sludge...

Anoxic-Aerobic Activated Sludge Treatment
An activated sludge system was operated at a relatively low SRT of 1-2 days at the City of Phoenix to meet secondary treatment requirements. Operating MLSS concentrations were 400-600...

Results of the Engineering Special Studies for the UMTRA Project?FY90
The proposed U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) groundwater standards (40 CFR 192) require that Uranium Mill Tailings Remedial Action (UMTRA) Project remedial action designs meet...

Modeling Analysis of CSO Impacts in a Tidal Basin
Short duration intensive inflows of combined sewer overflows (CSO) to marine tidal basins create stratified water quality for limited periods of time. Accurate assessment of water quality...

Using Multiple Water Quality Models for Determining Variable Emission Levels for Wasteload Allocation
We present a methodology for determining the least-cost wasteload allocations from multiple point sources discharging into a single water body. The system of point sources is modeled as...

Removal of Priority Pollutants in Industrial and Hazardous Wastewaters
With the implementation of effluent standards based on water quality criteria, more and more situations arise where the capabilities of treatment technology is stretched to their limits...

Magnetic Fluid Conditioning
Industry is now turning to develop magnetic water treatment in an effort to discontinue the use of chemicals. Magnetic water treatment takes a different approach to solving the same problem...

Tracer Study for C*t Compliance Evaluation
A tracer study was performed with a fluorescent dye, Rhodamine WT, to determine the actual disinfectant contact time for the 36-mgd Courtney Bend Water Treatment Plant near Independence,...

The State Water Board's New Monitoring Requirements
In coordination with Department of Health Services' (DHS) efforts to gain 'State Authorization' to administer the federal hazardous waste management...

Ground Water Recharge in Central and West Coast Basins
The agencies responsible for the Central and West Coast Basins of Los Angeles County, California have managed their ground water supplies by the artificial recharge of reclaimed and imported...

Role of Soil-Aquifer Treatment in Water Reuse
Reuse of municipal wastewater requires treatment so that the water meets the quality requirements for the intended use. Irrigation of vegetables consumed raw requires absence of pathogenic...

Plume Management for Groundwater Remediation
Site-specific data for four sites were compiled to evaluate the effectiveness of pumping and treating contaminated groundwater and recharging the treated groundwater to the surficial aquifer....

Effect on Soil and Groundwater Due to Long-Term Land Treatment
A comprehensive assessment of the environmental impact of a full-scale, operating overland flow (OLF) land treatment system was made of the Campbell Soup, Inc. OLF system in Paris, Texas....

Water, an Endangered Ecosystem; the Assessment of Chemical Pollution
The pervasive nature of water and its accessibility to mankind leaves it open to a variety of man-induced changes ranging from diversion of water flows to heavy metals pollution. The abuses...

Review of Mitigation Methods for Fish Passage, Instream Flows, and Water Quality
Current environmental mitigation practices at nonfederal hydropower projects were analyzed. Information was obtained from project operators on dissolved oxygen (DO) mitigation, instream...

Side Effect of the Cross-Flow Turbine: Improved Water Quality
The working principle of the Original Cross-Flow Turbine with draft tube demands air induced into the turbine housing to operate at high efficiency. Reoxygenation of water will occur,...

One Hydro Project?Many Regulatory Masters
A discussion of the dispersion of federal regulatory authority over the development of new hydro-power capacity is presented....

Harrisburg Hydroelectric Project?Water Quality Issues
The Harrisburg Hydroelectric Project is a proposed 34.4 MW hydroelectric facility on the Susquehanna River near Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. The project will consist of a 16.5 ft high gated...

Reviewing the Role of Hydropower in TVA Reservoir Operations
The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) has reviewed the long term operating priorities for its reservoir system to determine the appropriate role of water quality and recreation as compared...





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