Issues in Regional Water Resources Planning and Management: A Great Lakes Case Study
This paper focuses on the obstacles and opportunities inherent in regional resource management efforts, with the Great Lakes Basin serving as a case study. The following areas are addressed:...

Sport Fish Consumption Advisories in the Great Lakes Basin: Assessment of Policy to Protect Human Health
Fish consumption advisories for Great Lakes sport fish are based on U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) or U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) tolerance or action levels for...

Speaking of RISK
With sensitivity, common sense and preparation, an engineer can explain risk effectively and fairly without alienating the public. Risk communicators should use a standard set of terms...

Skytrain Crosses the River
The cable stayed bridge that will carry Vancouver's light rail line across the Fraser River is the world's longest such bridge built solely for mass transit....

U.S. Embassy In Moscow: A Structural Stalemate
The fate of the nearly finished American embassy in Moscow should be decided by next fall. In the meantime, it stands empty. On April 15, 1987, Congress made public a National Bureau of...

Analysis of New York City's Water Main Replacement Policy
Water distribution main breakage is a perplexing problem for water utilities. To avoid excessive breakage, certain mains should be replaced. However, determining the appropriate mains...

Roads for Sale
Due to the decline in available federal revenue for transportation facilities, privatization is becoming a common alternative to project financing. A case study of a public/private partnership...

Current Issues in Asbestos Removal
Asbestos is responsible for more worker deaths than any other substance used in the construction industry. This fact has prompted major regulatory changes during the past fifteen years....

Changing Federal/State Water Resources Roles
As federal agencies such as Reclamation undertake change on national and regional levels, the priorities and programs of state and local groups may, in turn, be affected. Increased coordination...

Changing Role Between State and Federal Agencies
The paper discusses the title subject from the perspective of someone working in a state agency. The federal agencies discussed include the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Bureau of Reclamation,...

The Changing State Role in Water Management
The roles of the federal, state, and local governments in developing and managing the nation's waters are dynamic. They continue to reflect shifting social goals and policies....

High Plains States' View on Weather Modification
The need for a critical analysis of all weather modification efforts has continued to be expressed during the ten years of the North American Interstate Weather Modification Council (NAIWMC)....

Nebraska's Special Protection Area Program
The designation of a Special Protection Area (SPA) under the program allows the state and local natural resources districts to move from the voluntary to the regulatory arena in addressing...

Institutional Approaches to Ground Water Management
The nature of ground water has made the management of it difficult. Lack of understanding regarding the interrelationship of ground and surface waters has sometimes resulted in unworkable...

1987-88 Actions on El Paso vs. New Mexico
It has been determined by the City of El Paso that water wells near the Texas-New Mexico borders should be used to supplement their water supply in the years 2000-2020. Opposition to the...

Drainage Laws and Organizations
The legal issues associated with drainage relate to repelling diffused surface water at the boundaries of one's land as well as with disposing of excess water once it has...

Preliminary Results of the Department of the Interior's Irrigation Drainage Studies
The Department of the Interior, in 1986, began irrigation drainage studies in nine areas in seven Western states to determine whether irrigation drainage has caused or has the potential...

Trace Elements and Pesticides in Salton Sea Area, California
Concentrations of numerous potentially toxic trace elements and pesticides were determined in water, sediment, and biota from the Salton Sea area in southestern California. Comparison...

The Social Sciences and Water Resources Management
With support from the National Science Foundation, a committee of 15 persons met in Washington, D.C. in 1985 to begin the process of assessing the past and future role of the social and...

Obstacles to the Use of Social Science Analysis in Water Decision-Making, or Where's the Demand for Social Science Input?
The paper identifies characteristics of both the public decisionmaking process and the methods of social science research that result in social science inputs having little influence on...





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