Limitations of Saint Venant Equations to Model Flood Waves
The subject of this paper is in direct contrast to all previously known research efforts. Previous effort has focused on simplified forms of Saint Venant using approximate routing models...

Improved Robustness of the NWS DAMBRK Algorithm
The combination dam breach and flood routing numerical model called DAMBRK has been developed by the National Weather Service (NWS) for forecasting river flooding events (Fread, 1984)....

Pipe Network Analysis on a Microcomputer
This paper reports on experience gained with the use of commercially available software for pipe network analysis. This information may be helpful to water system managers and consulting...

Input Programs for Engineering Applications
This paper discusses several input program types and the data structures associated with them. Two input programs were designed for KYPIPEF to demonstrate the use of files of records and...

Roughness Coefficients of Large Floods
Most hydraulic calculations of flow in channels and overbank areas require an evaluation of flow resistance generally expressed as Manning's roughness coefficient, n. Literature...

Lessons from the Failure of a Needle Valve
In 1984 a manually operated, hydraulically actuated 66-inch needle valve ruptured due to water hammer. The circumstances that caused the failure were reconstructed through extensive analysis...

Subsurface Drainage System for the Klamath Project
The U. S. Bureau of Reclamation's Klamath Project was authorized in 1905 for irrigation purposes. A subsurface drainage system was constructed in the public lands within the...

California's Dam Safety Program?The Development of Hydrology for Dams (abstract)
California's water code provides for supervision of dams and reservoirs with regard to protection of life and property. This code is administered by the Department of Water...

The Scourge of Scour
Among 86 bridge failures from 1961 to 1976, more were caused by scour than by earthquakes, wind, structural problems, corrosion and accidents combined. Scour is the erosion of a stream...

Overview--Committee Report on Dam Safety Guidelines
In November 1984 the Surface Water Hydrology Committee appointed a task committee with the assignment to suggest standards for the hydrologic safety design of dams. The committee report...

Criteria for Spillway Design Floods
The procedures outlined in this paper only address the hydrologic safety criteria for spillway design floods. The recommended procedures are based on a careful identification of the social,...

Indemnification Costs in the Dam Safety Decision
The ASCE Task Committee on Spillway Design Floods has proposed safety criteria for three categories of dams. Category 1 dams are those with anticipated failure consequences so large and...

Utility Programs for DWOPER and DAMBRK
Time and computer resources greatly limit potential investigations and sensitivity anslyses. In order to facilitate modeling with the National Weather Service (NWS) programs DWOPER (Operational...

Safety Design Flood for Too Wide Creek Dam
This paper presents an example application of the procedure developed by the ASCE Task Committee on Spillway Design Floods for a dam on the Too Wide Creek. The example was developed from...

Criteria for Selecting a Reservoir Routing Method
Results of an investigation comparing dynamic and storage reservoir routing applied in dam safety analyses are presented. Outflow hydrographs computed by these reservoir routing methods...

Serviceability Limit States in Load Space
Deflection and elastic limit state curves are drawn in load space using a nonlinear structural analysis program. Use of load space simplifies computation of point estimates of serviceability...

Applications of Fiber Bundle Model to Structural Engineering
The bundle failure time has been studied extensively for both deterministic and random loads. The objective of this paper is to apply results in these studies to the dynamic analysis of...

Seismic Response Component in the Risk Assessment of Dams
The risk analysis model for dams that is discussed in this paper considers the probability of an initiating event and the following conditional probabilities of the system response, the...

Seismic Decision Analysis for Jackson Lake Dam
This paper presents a framework for decision analysis that can be applied to seismic dam safety problems. The framework provides a means for displaying uncertainties in a manner that allows...

Probability of Facility Damage From Extreme Wind Effects
A probabilistic methodology has been developed to assess the risks of extreme wind induced damage to structures and facilities. The wind effects considered include dynamic pressure, atmospheric...





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