Framework for an Automated Quality Control System in Working Drawing Production
CAD use for the planning, design, construction and operation of buildings continues to expand at a rapid pace throughout the industry. While CAD applications include a variety of uses...

Intelligent Optimal CAD (IOCAD) for Arch Dams
The artificial intelligence, optimization methods and CAD techniques are mixed to develop an integrated system for design of arch dams. It includes a knowledge base, a data base, a stress...

Knowledge-Based Creation of an Architectural 3-D Model from 2-D Drawings
This study is an extension of an earlier work on creating a 3-D model from 2-D drawings. The objective of this current work is to explore the issues involved in creating a prototype knowledge-based...

CAD System for Structural Aesthetics of Bridge Form
An exploratory design process for aesthetic bridge structure is proposed in this paper through developing a prototype of comprehensive CAD system. This process is conceived not only for...

Application of PC Graphics, CADD, and Solid Modeling Techniques to 3-D Structural Stability of Concrete Monolithic Structures
A computer program for computing 3-D overturning and sliding stability (3DSAD) of concrete monolithic structures has been written and is widely used. This paper describes recent advances...

On the Usage of AutoCAD as a User-Interface for a Finite-Element-Program
This paper describes the approach used by the author to take AutoCAD as a user-interface for an existing Finite-Element-package. Some principles concerning database management are discussed,...

Optimal Seismic Design of Structures
Structural design...

NEUROFLOOR: A Flooring System Selection Neural Network
A back-propagation neural network (BPNN) has been trained to help building designers and engineers in designing or analyzing steel bar joist flooring systems. The NEUROFLOOR BPNN allows...

Technology Framework for Computer Integrated Construction
This paper presents a strategy or overall approach to the integration of the design and construction of facilities. This strategy relies on the use of computers to support the members...

Constraint Management in Distributed AEC Databases
Engineering databases can assist in management of massive amounts of design data involved in Architecture-Engineering and Construction (AEC) process. This data needs to be distributed...

Computer-based Building Design and Pedestrian-level Wind Conditions
Knowledge based computer system has been developed for the evaluation of wind conditions around buildings at pedestrian level. This paper concentrates on two major components of the system,...

Using an Object-Oriented System and a Conceptual Building Model to Represent Architectural Information During Early Design Phases
In this paper we are to present an object-oriented system based on a conceptual building model for handling architectural information during early design phases. This system and model...

Migration to a Networked Workstation Environment
Most engineering firms and universities are in the process of migrating from mainframe(s) and/or minicomputer(s) and personal computers to a networked workstation environment. Although...

Simulating Paving Fleets with Non-Stationary Travel
Proper selection of equipment and fleet size can yield substantial savings in both time and cost. A simulation model of asphalt-paving operations is presented and impacts of non-stationary...

Expert System for the Preloading Method of Ground Improvement
Design practice of the preloading method, which is one of the ground improvement techniques, applied for the hydraulic fill area includes quite complicated problems, especially when draining...

Integrating Qualitative and Quantitative Reasoning in Structural Engineering
Qualitative reasoning has applications in engineering problem solving and the development of intelligent computer-aided engineering tools. Most applications in structural engineering have...

Deriving Alternative Structural Modifications Based on Qualitative Interpretation at the Conceptual Design Stage
Current computer tools provide little support in deriving alternative modifications based on qualitative structural interpretation of a conceptual design. This paper presents a behavior-based...

Implementing Qualitative Reasoning for Structural Design Using Constraint Propagation
All designs begin with qualitative reasoning and therefore, this activity has an important influence upon subsequent quantitative stages. In structural design, qualitative reasoning starts...

Reducing Ambiguity in Qualitative Reasoning
Qualitative reasoning derives the behavior of a physical system using a representation of the fundamental principles for the domain. In qualitative reasoning parameters are mapped into...

Integrated Slab Design Automation System Using Knowledge-based Approach
There has been a strong trend towards the integration of computer aided design and engineering during recent years. But all the systems can not provide the completely integrated functions,...





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