Hydraulic Weighing Lysimeter Measurement Errors
A prototype size lysimeter was studied in the laboratory to determine accuracy and sources of error that might be caused by variable pillow contact area, temperature changes in various...

Lysimeter-Based Evapotranspiration Research in Portugal
The experience in lysimeter-based evapotranspiration research in Portugal is reported. Main results are presented as well as the practical consequences of these studies. The analysis points...

Small Lysimeters for Documenting Arid Site Water Balance
Small weighing lysimeters consisting of plastic pipes with lifting and drainage fittings were installed at the arid U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Hanford Site in southcentral Washington...

Field Experience with Hydraulic Weighing Lysimeters
Hydraulic weighing lysimeters can be a reliable and relatively inexpensive source of actual crop evapotranspiration (ET) data for field water use studies and crop coefficient development....

Environmental Requirements of Lysimeters
Some of the more common environmental problems affecting measurement of evapotranspiration (Et) with lysimeters are discussed, including deviation...

Using Weighing Lysimeters to Develop Evapotranspiration Crop Coefficients
Weighing lysimeters provide an accurate means of measuring evapotranspiration (ET), the evaporative loss of water from growing crops. Two weighing lysimeters were installed at a research...

Grass Reference Measurements in Italy
In this paper, the description and the use of drainage and weighing lysimeters installed in different Italian locations are reported together with the results of the researches about the...

Lysimeter Techniques and Application in India
Water is the most important resource and limiting factor for crop and industrial production in India, and agriculture is the largest consumer of water. The measurement of evapotranspiration...

Arid Site Water Balance Using Monolith Lysimeters
Four weighing lysimeters, containing monoliths of undisturbed soil, are located at the Arid Lands Ecology Reserve near Richland, Washington (USA), and are used to measure the water balance...

Predicting Effects of Modifying Tussock Grassland
Measurements of rainfall, drainage, and weight change of a 6 m2 surface area cylindrical lysimeter containing nine snow tussocks (Chionochloa rigida)...

Transpiration by Douglas Fir Using Lysimeters
During the spring of 1971 a 28 m Douglas fir tree was installed in a weighing lysimeter. Some details of construction are presented. The weighing mechanism consisted of eleven lengths...

Water Table Lysimeter Data Interpretation
Lysimeters were used to estimate seasonal water use of wet meadows and phreatophytes in northern Utah, southeast Idaho and southwest Wyoming (1983-1990). Twelve water table lysimeters...

Alfalfa ET Measurements with Drainage Lysimeters
Drainage lysimeters were used to measure alfalfa evapotranspiration (ET) under a line-gradient sprinkler system in the high-elevation desert conditions of northwest New Mexico. The lysimeters...

Lysimeters Versus Buffer Areas Et and Agronomic Comparisons
Evapotranspiration (Et) from lysimeters may not represent Et of undisturbed, surrounding sites because of factors related to water, soils, plants, and even animal life. Et and agronomic...

Lysimetry for Evaporation and Transpiration Measurement
Large hydraulically weighed lysimeters were used to measure evapotranspiration (ET), evaporation (E), and transpiration (T). Weighing lysimeters for T measurements were covered to suppress...

Water Quality Sampling Under Preferential Flow Conditions
Shallow wells, porous cup samplers, and wick and gravity pan lysimeters were used to observe the movement of bromide applied to the surface of a grass covered field during a 23 day period....

Lysimeters to Study Soil Water Movement and Crop Water Use Under High Water Table Conditions
A system of 6 drainage lysimeters was constructed to conduct studies of water use and water movement in 3 different soils influenced by high water tables. The lysimeters were equipped...

High Saline Water-Table Effect on Wheat Irrigation
Hydraulic, weighing lysimeters were used for five years to measure the effect of high, saline water tables on irrigation requirement of wheat. Each year the wheat was grown with no water...

Comparation of Different Forms of Penman Equation
The research was carried out near Foggia (in Southern Italy) at 90 m above sea level and at 41? 27' N latitude, using two drainage lysimeters, filled with a silt clay soil...

Temporal Ion Balance Variation of an Irrigated Soil
The research was carried out in Southern Italy, from 1983 to 1988, using two gravity lysimeters irrigated with non saline water. The objective of this study was to test wether long-term...





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