Manpower Planning for Construction Administration
Manpower planning is an important aspect of any organization, but is particularly difficult in an activity subject to as many variables as highway construction. This paper outlines a process...

Traffic Barriers: A Second Chance
More motorists are killed each year after striking traffic barriers than any other fixed object except utility poles and trees. These deaths occur primarily because the guardrail or bridge...

Enhancing Highway Safety Through 3R Construction
The safety improvement programs specifically aimed at correcting high accident locations (HALs) are certainly helpful. These programs have resulted in sizeable frequency as well as severity...

Non-Freeway Programwide 3R Accident Analysis: New York
The New York Program for restoration, rehabilitation and resurfacing (3R's) has relied on broad scoped projects and case-by-case consideration of exceptions to design standards...

Assessment of Safety Impacts of Highway Projects
In this paper the safety impact of highway improvement and maintenance activities is examined in terms of accident reduction potentials of these activities. There are three causes of accident:...

RRR Design Standards: Cost-Effectiveness Issues
The Transportation Research Board study of geometric design standards for RRR projects is currently trying to match the logic of cost-effectiveness to the mostly judgmental process of...

Delineation Effectiveness for Alcohol Involved Accidents
The approach to the problem of the alcohol impaired drivers to date has been directed at driver education and increased police enforcement. A complementary and parallel approach is presented...

Sighting Safety
This paper examines the interrelation between drivers' visual needs and the road environment. Specific elements of visual limitation and drivers at greatest risk are identified....

Location and Development of Safety Projects
Projects to be considered for inclusion in the Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) must be part of a prioritized listing in which each project is based on accident experience or...

Evaluation?A Key to Safer Design Standards
Public highways are designed and constructed in accordance with established standards which have been developed over the years as a result of research studies or developed by committees...

Response of the San Juan Bautista 156/101 Bridge to the 1979 Coyote Lake Earthquake
Strong-motion accelerograms are used to examine the response of a multiple-span highway bridge to earthquake loading. Estimates of modal frequencies and damping values for the first two...

Dynamic Response of Highway Guardrail Post Foundations (abstract)
The highway departments use two types of guardrail posts: a circular wood post and a steel W6 multiplied by 8. 5 post. The current specifications require the steel post to be placed in...

Reshaping Providence
By moving railroad tracks, river banks and several roadways, Providence, Rhode Island is reclaiming some 45 acres in its downtown and capital districts. This public works package is the...

Effectiveness of Highway Safety Improvements
This book contains the thirty papers presented at the third Highway Safety Specialty Conference sponsored by the Committee on Traffic and Safety of the Highway Division of the American...

Highway Quality Level Program
This article describes three versions of BASIC programs for microcomputers, prepared for the Federal Highway Administration, to calculate a statistical measure of highway quality. Using...

Interstate Agreements for Water Transfers
Any state is typically subjected to opposing forces that wish to 1) preserve limited water resources for future in-state uses, or 2) to export that resource for out-of-state use. Statutes...

Tunneling Around Ft. McHenry
The world's largest underwater tunnel was built out of sight and sound of Ft. McHenry. The 4,000 ft tunnel needed to take I-95 from shore to shore had to be extended to 7,200...

Highway Infrastructure
Opportunities for Innovation
Our national commitment to financing the rebuilding of America's highway intrastructure represents a very expensive, long term investment. The challenge facing highway engineers...

Equipment Requirements for Concrete Recycling
Concrete recycling projects have been completed in a number of states. As the transportation infrastructure ages, concrete recycling will become a common construction operation. Concrete...

Infrastructure in a Hurry
The City of Austin, Texas has experienced tremendous growth since the early 1970s. Until recently, however, infrastructure development lagged. Now the city is engaged in a $1 billion infrastructure...





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