The Design of Macagua Concrete Face Rockfill Dam
This article describes the design characteristics of the concrete face rockfill dam at Macagua, which will have a total length of about 9,200 ft (2,800 m), an average height of 66 ft (20,0...

Developments in New and Existing Materials
Materials engineering has emerged as an identifiable professional practice within civil engineering in the past few years. Although materials engineering is not new, the concept that this...

Application of Methods of Probabilistic Characterization of Soil Properties
The use of probabilistic methods to describe soil properties has many applications. One such application that has been developed is in the area of probabilistic slope stability analysis....

Coefficient of Variation of In Situ Tests in Sand
For a research project on the behavior of piles in sand for the United States Geological Survey and the Federal Highway Administration, ten sites were selected where detailed load tests...

Coal Terminal
The Charleston Shipyard River Coal Terminal was constructed by converting a port-side chemical plant at a third of the cost of equivalent major coal terminals. A staged program for the...

Design and Performance of Buried Fiberglass Pipes ? A New Perspective
The buried performance of fiberglass pipes was the subject of a comprehensive and multifaceted research program carried out in 1982 and 1983. Instrumentation, capable of accurately tracing...

River Meandering
The erosion and sedimentation processes associated with river meandering have a profound effect on man's use of rivers and their valleys, as well as the natural environment....

A Structural Engineering Perspective for Drilled Shafts
This commentary is an attempt to close the gap between the Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete (ACE 318-83) and the design of drilled shafts. The context of design includes...

Instrumentation Performance in Soft Clay Soils (A Case History)
In 1978, IDEAL BASIC INDUSTRIES, INC. initiated construction of a cement manufacturing plant located south of Mobile, Alabama on the Theodore Ship Channel. Because deltaic clays were too...

Thalweg Disposal: Demonstration of an Alternative
Disposal of dredged material in the main channel, or thalweg, is an alternative disposal option for maintenance dredging. The material dredged from the Upper Mississippi River is clean...

A Methodology for Open-Water Disposal Site Selection
Pascagoula, Mississippi, is the major industrial region in coastal Mississippi. The existing project, completed in 1965, provides for waterborne transportation from the Gulf of Mexico...

Design and Construction - Theodore Ship Channel
Environmental impacts, greater technological capabilities, and improved evaluation techniques make the disposal of large quantities of dredge material more complex and involved. Also,...

Mississippi River Fairview Crossing Test
To improve estimates of shoaling rates in the crossings of a deep draft channel from New Orleans to Baton Rouge, a prototype test was conducted in Fairview Crossing at Mile 116 above Head...

Shoaling Problems and Improvements Sunny Point, North Carolina
The Military Ocean Terminal, Sunny Point (MOTSU), is located on the Cape Fear River, approximately 18 miles downriver from Wilmington, North Carolina. The facility has experienced significant...

Solving Channel Maintenance Problems at Reads Landing, MN
Dredging a sediment trap at the delta of the Chippewa River is being tested as a channel maintenance technique. It's designed to improve the Corps of Engineers predictive...

Dredging-Related Considerations in Navigation Channel Design
In the design of a navigation project, the channel depth, width, and alignment for a given set of navigation requirements are dependent on physical, hydrodynamic, and sedimentological...

Influence of Roughness on Velocity and Dispersion at Low Flow
Dependence of the hydraulic and transport characteristics of low flow on channel roughness is investigated. Empirical expressions are used to estimate roughness coefficient as a function...

High Sediment Concentrations Require High In-Channel/Supply of Sediment
Flows with high sediment concentrations (greater than 10 percent by weight) most commonly occur either as debris flows in steep channels throughout the world, or as hyperconcentrated flows...

Numerical Model of Mississippi River at Lock and Dam 26
Replacement work was initiated in November 1979. The first stage cofferdam constricted about half of the river channel. As a result, the flow velocity at the constriction increased causing...

Numerical Simulation of the Bed Armoring Process
The stability of a river channel depends to a great extent on sediment characteristics. If the amount of sediment coming into a given reach for some reason becomes less than the river's...





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