Innovations in the Development and Expansion of Intermodal Facilities
The intermodal industry is a dynamic one, with a long history which has undergone profound change since the introduction of containerization only 30 years ago. Today, change continues...

Innovative Contracting Practices in Developing an Advanced Freeway Management System
Throughout the nation, many public agencies have determined to incorporate time saving and cost effective project innovations while maintaining and upgrading project quality. One possible...

APMs at Tampa International Airport?A Story of Innovation
The Tampa International Airport has been at the forefront of integrating Automated People Movers into airport design for more than twenty years. The need for APM technology comes from...

Airport Pavement Innovations?Theory to Practice
This proceedings, Airport Pavement Innovations?Theory to Practice, consists of papers presented at the ASCE Specialty Conference held in Vicksburg,...

Innovation in Repair Techniques of Concrete Structures
Since the infrastructure constitutes the economic base for production and consumption, its condition is a critical determinant of the economic viability of the United States. At the present...

Infratechnologies: Tools For Innovation
Infratechnologies support the practices of construction over the whole life cycle of constructed facilities. They include technologies for developing and applying information, standards,...

Ups and Downs in Chicago
The Chicago Title and Trust Center�a 50-story mixed-use complex which opened late last year�offers 1.3 million sq ft of above-grade space, and three levels of below-grade parking. The...

Coastal Engineering?The Past!, The Present!, The Future?
The author discusses past and present practices of coastal engineering, and speculates on the diredctions that the profession will take in the future. Also discussed is the question of...

Grouting, Soil Improvement and Geosynthetics
The proceedings of the 1992 ASCE Specialty Conference on Grouting, Soil Improvement and Geosynthetics, addresses advances in the state-of-practice, research and technological developments...

Innovative Reregulation Weirs
Since their construction, hydropower dams have generated more than just power for the Tennessee Valley Authority, they also generated concerns about their effects on river flow and aquatic...

The National Aero-Space Plane Program?A Revolutionary Concept
NASP - The National Aero-Space Plane is a look into the future. The NASP program can be described in a number of ways: technological, programmatic, utilitarian, and conceptual. In order...

Planning, Design and Integration of a Computerized Terminal Operating System
NYK Line's new terminal at the Port of Los Angeles (photograph below) features innovative design and advanced terminal operating system integration....

Dredged Material Placement Techniques?A Review of Its Past, Present and Future
Maintenance of ports and harbors requires considerable amount of dredging and this makes studies on dredged material disposal and placement technique particularly important. This paper...

Steering Clear of Tort Claims
Tort liability has become a major issue for today's highway engineer. Claims against state highway departments charging that deficient roadways caused or contributed to traffic...

Innovations for NDT of Concrete Structures
The proposed paper presents three recent innovations for sonic and ultrasonic Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) of concrete structures which greatly increase the utility and speed of many...

Housing America in the Twenty-First Century
This proceedings, Housing America in the Twenty-first Century, consists of papers by authors from public and private sectors, at all levels...

Rethinking the Competitive Bid
Concern that the U.S. construction industry is losing its competitive edge is nothing new. Ironically, the problem is not so much rooted in foreign technical expertise as it is in our...

Hydro Rehabilitation?Innovative Solutions
Most hydro facilities have been in operation for many years and, consequently, must periodically have been rehabilitated. The high cost of energy, labor, materials, and financing dictate...

The Value of Lateral and Creative Thinking in Water Resources Problem Solving
Throughout the history, always the highest awards have been given to creative ideas. Today, however the velocity of change and the complexity of events makes it almost impossible to spend...

Coordinating Fishery Management and Habitat Conservation
The 1986 and 1990 amendments to the Magnuson Fishery Conservation and Management Act strengthened the role of regional fishery management councils (councils) and NMFS when commenting on...





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